Chapter 11

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The end of the stairs leaded them to a room with big black door.

-"Everything will end by entering this room." She said.

-"Be careful."

She opened the door. It was a big room with huge windows showing the moon.

-"They're there."

All the four were lying on the floor, the seemed exhausted, they weren't able to move.

-"You're finally here." Someone said.

-"This voice is familiar."

Someone was standing in the shadow "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Skye."

-"Show your identity."

He laughed and got out from the shadow.

-"N..No way, this can't be possible. A...Are you true?"

-"Do you know him?" Seokjin asked.

-"Y...Yes, I know him. He's my friend, Kim Taehyung."

-"Why you? Why did you do that?"

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-"Why you? Why did you do that?"

-"Because I'm a magician, it's easy."

-"Taehyung, you were kind when I first met you, what happened to you?"

-"That's the true me, still surprised? I'm really contrite because I gave you this necklace, I was an idiot, I gave it to my enemy."

-"We're enemies now? Okay, prepare to die."

-"Why this violence? I'll end it with a blink of an eye."

-"There's two things I hate: disloyalty and cunning people."
Seokjin and Namjoon, take care of the others."

-"No, we'll fight with you. He's our enemy too."

-"That's an order."

-"Like you want."

She showed all her power in this fight but he had a big intention in killing her, he didn't care if she was his friend or no.

-"Do you think a rookie like you will win against me? I'm the most powerful magician."

She was lying on the floor, wounded in her arm. She tried to stand up but he was so strong.

-"I don't care, I'll never give up, I promised to save them and I don't take back or bend any word."

-"How beautiful!"

He hit her every time she tried to stand up until she was unable to move. He was going to kill her but luckily Jungkook attacked him and bitted him in his leg.

-"What's happening?" Taehyung asked.

-"Don't ever touch our princess." Seokjin replied.

The six were standing in front of her trying to protect her, the determination was clear in their eyes. All of them attacked at once with all their power, but killing him wasn't easy.

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