chapter 10

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-"Believe me, why would we deceive you or kill you? You're really silly because you believed this."

-"I don't trust anyone."


-"No one is worth to trust, people are happy to see others in pain."

-"You're talking about humans, we aren't humans. Maybe you can't trust a human but you can trust us."

He continued it with a gentle voice "Skye! I'll never try to deceive you or kill you, you cares about me and the others, that's why you came to save us. I should be thankful."

-"Thank you, Seokjin. I think I'll try to believe this."

-"You're welcome, my princess."

-"You don't have to call me princess, I'll help you."

-"It's good to hear this. Do you know how we'll get out from here?"

-"I have an idea, we'll jump in the water."

-"Are you sure?"

-"Yeah, trust me." She said while smiling.

-"I think there isn't any other choice."

They stood together at the edge of the swimming pool and jumped together.
They were pulled to the deep. Her idea worked and they felt in a forest.

-"Why did we come here again?" She asked.

-"That means the last one is here in the forest."

-"But it isn't the first time I come here."

The sky was becoming darker and there was lightning, sound of a storm and the moon was totally white like clouds.

-"Does it rain here?"

-"No, but it already began."

-"What do you mean?"

-"Don't you know about the red moon? The day where your power-"

-"Will became stronger and that means I have to save you before the moon turns to red or you'll be locked here for another hundred years. Yoongi told me but did a week pass?"

-"Timing here isn't like the one in human's world. You have six hours before the moon changes."

-"There's just one left and the other four, I forgot them, there's no way I could succeed in this mission."

-"Don't say that we'll find them."

A red light appeared far away. It was coming from somewhere on earth to the moon.

-"I think we should go to see the source of this light." Seokjin said.

They ran quickly till they reached their destiny, they found a big castle where the red light was coming from.

"This is the castle that Jungkook told me about."

They were going to enter when someone stopped them.

-"Who're you? And what are you doing here?"

-"I'm Skye, I'm the choosen one and who're you?"

-"I thought you were a magician, I'm Namjoon, I'm a ghoul."

-"What's a ghoul?"

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-"What's a ghoul?"

-"Ghouls are a carnivorous and cannibalistic species that is only able to feed on humans and other ghouls. They are as close to humans as possible: They normally have the same physical appearance and intelligence as a human with the exception of diet, mentality and inner biology."

-"That was so accurate. Wait! Feed on humans? It's good you don't exist in our world."

-"No, we exist. We live with you, you're our food. But we just kill a human when we're hungry."

-"Wow, that can't be possible. I have lived a lie. I think I need a new life, anyway."

She told him about the lost four and how she must save them before the moon turns to red.

-"This castle is the magician's castle, he lives here, if he's the one who kidnapped them so they must be here." Namjoon explained.

Also he explained that she has the power to read minds and to communicate through her mind and thoughts. But the one she's trying to communicate must have the same ability.

-"Yoongi is able to do this." Seokjin said "Try to ask him their place."

She closed her eyes and tried to do it.
She heard the Yoongi's voice telling her that they are in the magician's castle.

-"They're here, in the castle."

-"Don't we need to make a plan. What if we found the magician inside?" Namjoon asked.

-"No time to make a plan. Just attack with all your power."

They entered the castle, it was very big with a lot of statues. There was long stairs that leads to the top. They went up the stairs. There was a sound of cries and screams.

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