Chapter 8

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They kept walking towards the light never knowing where it can lead them.

After passing through it, they found themselves in a dark room with black walls, there was a big statue in the middle. Around it, they found a lot of arrows.

All the forest had disappeared just black walls. And the strangest, there was a flying boy just in front of the statue's face.

 And the strangest, there was a flying boy just in front of the statue's face

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He wasn't moving at all.

-"How can be hanged like this?" She asked.

-"By this type of magic, you can relate the existence of two things together. That means if we destroyed the statue, he'll be freed." Yoongi answered.

-"Guys, we aren't alone." Jungkook said.

A lot of Krytos appeared from behind the statue, they were more scarier than before.

Yoongi said "Skye, destroy the statue, we'll protect you."

-"No need to protect me you aren't worried anyway." Then, she went along.

-"My God, weren't you able to choose another one?" He was lucky she didn't hear him.

They fought with all their power while she was trying to find a way to destroy the statue. It was so solid. She kept scintillating but nothing happened.

-"It can't be destroyed." She shouted.

-"Nothing is impossible, try again but with a bigger power." Jungkook answered.

She closed her eyes, collected all her power in her two hands, they were shining with a strong blue light, combined them together and pointed them towards the statue.

The Krytos were trying to stop her but her friends were protecting her well. Every second, the light was getting stronger and bigger. She opened her eyes, they turned to red

 She opened her eyes, they turned to red

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and attacked the statue.

Everyone looked at the statue that was destroyed into little pieces even the Krytos did. The flying boy was going to fell but Jimin caught him.

Yoongi said "Skye, are you okay?"
She turned and looked at him, they noticed her red eyes. Then, they returned again into blue (That was her eyes' original color), she was going to faint but Yoongi caught her on time.

-"Did you see her eyes?" Jungkook asked.

-"Yeah, she had been more dangerous." Yoongi replied.

Time passed and she finally woke up.

"Skye! Are you okay?" Jimin asked.

-"My head hurts me a little but did I destroy it?" She asked.

-"You can check it by yourself."

The statue was  completely destroyed into tiny pieces of stone. Even she was surprised.

-"You fainted after this disaster." Jimin said.

-"Is everyone okay? Did anyone get hurt?" She asked.

-"Calm down, we're okay but he's one who is still sleeping." He meant the boy who they saved him.

-"Leave it to me. Cover your ears." Jungkook said.

-"Not again."

He turned to a wolf and did the same strong voice again. The boy woke up from fear. They were surrounding him.

-"Where am I ?" He asked.

-"In the black world." Jimin replied.

He noticed the damaged statue.

-"Who did this?"

-"You've to thank her. She's the one who saved you from this incantation."

-"You don't have to, saving you is the reason of my existence here." She replied.

He noticed the necklace so he understood she was the choosen one.

-"And who're you?" She asked.

-"I'm Hoseok, I'm half human and half red fox. Also, I'm the leader of red foxes."

He seemed proud while introducing himself

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He seemed proud while introducing himself.

-"Half human! You're like Jungkook." She said.

-"We're different." Jungkook said.

They looked at each other with a scornful look.

-"Do you know each other?" She asked.

Jimin whispered to her "They're enemies. They hate each other."

-"Completing the task would be difficult to the presence of these two hating each other like that." She said.

"I know you two are enemies but we have to cooperate together if you want to get out from here."

-"Just this time." Jimin said.

Hoseok replied "You saved me..."

-"Skye. My name is Skye."

-"I owe you, I won't fight him for you."

-"Thank you! That's what I want." She said "Now, only two are left, does anyone know how to get out from here-?"

Suddenly, a brown door appeared in the walls, it was opened by itself.

Suddenly, a brown door appeared in the walls, it was opened by itself

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-"Take caution."

Very tall arms got out from the door and they kept pulling the four.

There was a strange sound coming from the door saying "Come to us! We won't let you go."

They tried to escape but those arms caught them tightly. The arms pulled them towards the door till they crossed it, and the door was closed.

She tried to open it again, unfortunately, she wasn't able to save them at all.

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