Chapter 3

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Skye tried to open her eyes slowly. Her head hurted her so much. She looked around and she was in the same forest she saw in her dream.

A dark forest with tall trees and the sunlight couldn't enter. She didn't know even if there was a sun. She walked slowly, looking everywhere trying to find someone who help her to get out of this scary place.

The forest was so huge, she walked for a long time but couldn't find an end. She sat on a rock and cried "Hello! Is there anyone here? Can someone hear me? Please, help!"
-"You're so noisy". Someone talked. She looked around and didn't found anyone.
-"look here, above you." The same sound said.

She looked above and she saw someone sitting on a tall tree trunk. He jumped and stood on his feet like he wasn't a normal human. He was a handsome boy with back hair and his skin was pale.

-"Who are you?" He asked.

-"I'm Skye."

-"You're a human..what are you doing? How did you even come here?"

-"I don't know. I was in my room when that necklace shone and I felt something pulled me towards it. I opened my eyes and I found myself in this strange place."

-"This necklace, from where did you get it?"

-"A friend gave it to me. Wait! Who are you?"


Yoongi, Min Yoongi

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Yoongi, Min Yoongi. I'm a vampire and the Lord of vampires but don't worry, I won't hurt you, especially you. Do you know why did you came here?"

-"No, I don't even know that place. Do vampires really exist? And vampires drink human's blood like in movies, right?

-"I said you're the only human that I won't hurt, you have something very special."

-"If you want the necklace take it but take me back home."

-"That's not what I mean. It seems there's a lot of things to tell you about. Tell me, did you felt something strange happen like magic?"

-"I don't know but when I was walking in the street, a pot plant was going to hit my head but this necklace shone and the pot exploded before touching the floor and the same happened when a car was going to hit me, it stopped suddenly."

-"I'm sure now. Listen girl, maybe you don't know it but you're the chosen one."

-"Chosen for what?"

-"You're chosen to save us. Look! There's three worlds: world of magic, the human's world and the black world. World of magic where strange things always happen. Everything is beyond the normal, also it's forbidden for humans to enter it except magicians. The black world is the only world in the universe where there's only darkness, evil and torment, you must be careful and you shouldn't trust everyone easily here because there's no good in this world and of course you know the humans' world, your home. Now, you're in the black world."

-"That means I can't trust you." She said it while taking few steps back.

-"No, you must trust me because I can help you getting out from here if you helped us."

-"That's what I want to understand, who do you mean by "us"?

-"There's a magician but he's stronger than all the magicians that's why he was able to lock up a ghoul, the leader of red foxes, a werewolf, prince of darkness, a fallen angel and me, the Lord of vampires. He locked us in this necklace. This necklace is-"

-"I know the power of this necklace, I have read about it. But why me?"

-"Listen well! That's the most complicated part. Every hundred year, there's a girl who is born with a power more powerful and strongest than any magic. With this power, the whole universe could be destroyed. And you're this girl."

-"But I have lived my life so normally."

-That's because you didn't know about it, when you realize it, it begins to appear. Also, after a week the moon will turn to red. From this moment, no one can stop you because your power will be unbelievable. And you have to save us before the moon's colour turns to red or we'll have to wait another hundred year. That magician will try to kill you before that day and when he does he can do whatever he wants. So that you have to save us, the six, even if we aren't at the same level as you but together we can stop him. Imagine if you also were with us, evil will disappear from this world. So will you help us? I think you understood what happened."

She didn't know if it was a dream or not. A normal girl turns to the only hero who can save the world. She always loved adventure, but this one is full of dangers and maybe she'll have to sacrifice her life.

Yoongi shouted "Watch out!"

He pushed her because an arrow was going to kill her.

-"Go and hide behind a tree."

She hid behind a long tree and watched him. Five hunters were on the trees and throwing arrows towards him. He was avoiding them so easily.

-"Yoongi is really amazing." She said.

-"You know that you aren't our goal but I think our master will be pleased if we killed the strongest vampire. Give us the girl."

-"I won't let you have her."

With high speed he killed two and before their bodies fell on the floor, he killed another two.

-"There's another one, where did he go?"

-"Yoongi, help me!"

The fifth was behind Skye, having her like a hostage. He was holding a knife and aiming to kill her.

-"Stay away vampire or I'll kill her."

-"Of course, you won't do it because your master wants her alive, right?"

-"Alive or dead, it doesn't matter."

-"Okay, calm down."

Just a blink of eye and Yoongi wasn't standing in his place.

-"Wherever you were, I'll kill her."

Less than a second, Yoongi was standing behind the hunter and he bitted his shoulder and sucked some blood.

The man felt on the floor, he was bleeding.

-"Delicious, I think I'll continue."

-"Yoongi, stop! Don't do it."

She was standing a little afraid and she was pale.

-"I'm sorry, don't be afraid. I was just trying to protect you! Are you hurt?"

-"No, I'm okay. Thank you anyway! Who's their master?"

-"The magician who locked us here. He'll try to kill you but I didn't think he'll begin quickly like that."

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