Chapter 12

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-"What will we do?"

-"I can do anything to bring him back even if I have to sacrifice my life. Can't I give him my soul?" She asked.

-"There's only one way" Yoongi explained "there's a mascot that can brings him alive but it needs big power, all magicians who tried to do it lost their lives."

-"I told I'll do anything even if I have to sacrifice my life."

-"Like you wish."

-"Wait Yoongi, you'll let her do it?" Jimin said.

-"That's what she want. Come on repeat what I'll say: shisha o ikikaera se, ikinokorou to suru mono o korosu."

She said those words while her eyes turned to red and and she started to float in the air. Blue strings were coming out from her hands towards the broken statue.

The pieces were gathering together until they made an undamaged statue. White light was coming out from her heart. It brought life to the statue, he was standing on his feet again but she he was breathing heavily, unable to stand. He realized what happened.

-"She did it! You're really amazing Skye." Jungkook said.

-"Skye, why did you do that?" Asked Seokjin.

-"Aren't we friends?" She said while smiling "From the beginning of this mission, I promised to sacrifice my life to save you."

-"And we promised to protect you because we care about you." Yoongi said.

-"Thank you all, come on let's go out from here."

-"But..are you able to move?" Hoseok asked.

-"Don't worry I'm okay."

-"Will we take him with us?" Jungkook asked, he meant Taehyung.

-"I know what I should do."

With her magic, black chains were coming out from the wall. They were catching his hands and his body.

-"Wait, don't leave me here!"

-"Sorry, but that's what you deserve."

She put the necklace on the floor and like the other time, a strong red light came out and it was pulling them all.

They were all lying down, they opened their eyes and found themselves on a beach. The sky was cloudy and the moon was totally red. There was strong wind and a sound of a storm.

-"We did it, we arrived in the right time." Jimin said "Finally, we'll return to magic world."

-"Finally, I'll see my mother, I wish she's okay. So you have to return now right?"

-"Yeah, I missed our world so much."

-"Can't you stay a little, there's a lot of interesting things in our world."

-"If I stayed more than one day, I could end up eating a human." said Namjoon.

-"I also need to drink some blood."

-"Okay, anyway It was nice to meet you guys, I wished you could stay."

-"It was nice to meet you too" said Jimin "We're so thankful."

-"Yeah, I have never seen a brave human like you, you even was going to sacrifice your life to save Seokjin." explained Jungkook "You can visit us in our world. In the end you aren't a normal human."

-"Not a bad idea."

She opened a magical door, they thanked her for everything. They entered while talking about their plans and Yoongi was the last one.

-"You don't want to go?"

-"Skye, I'm sorry for what I said. I mean when I said that I don't worry about you. I really do, I wanted to protect you from the beginning but I ain't good at expressing my feelings. I wish you understand." He was embarrassed and tried to avoid eye contact.

-"I understand, thank you for protecting me!"

-"Not at all, it was nice to meet you! Don't you want to come with us a little? Our world is interesting too."

-"I wish I can but that won't be possible."

She kissed his cheeks and hugged him tightly "I'm happy I met you."

-"Me too."

-"Can you stop this drama?" Jimin interrupted them "Who's the dramatic one now?" He said while smiling.

-"Stop it!"

-"Okay, my lord. Come on we have to go. Goodbye Skye!"

-"Take care of yourself and don't use your magic in front of people. Just in case if necessity." Yoongi told her.

-"I'll do. Goodbye!"

Jimin whispered to her "I think he loves you!"

Her face was red.

-"Come on, you idiot." Yoongi pulled him and entered the door and then it disappeared.

She went back to her house, it was a little dark. She knocked the door, her mother opened it, she was totally shocked and happy in the same time. She hugged her daughter and kissed her head.

-"Skye, where have you been my dear?" Her mother said in a crying voice.

-"Sorry mom! I just got lost in a forest, I think someone kidnapped me but I'm okay. Don't worry."

She was really happy, her mother was worried about her and she would finally would take care of her.

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