Chapter 4

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-"So what's your answer?"

-"But how can I can get you out of here?"

-"First, you have gather us. When you do it, use your magic. I know that you don't know how to use it but I can teach you."

-"I..I'll help you." She said it in a hesitating voice.

-"Don't worry I'll protect you I mean we'll all protect you."

-"Okay, how can I find them?"

-"The necklace must help you. Close your eyes, try to concentrate on finding them, you have to wish it from your heart."

She did like he told her but nothing happened. She tried again but she held the necklace tightly and said in her mind "Please lead me to them, I want to save them..I want to go home. Tell me where they are!"

Suddenly, a small red light came out of the necklace. It flied around her and then filed towards the tall trees.

-"Come on, we must follow it." Yoongi said it while running like a flash.

-"Wait for me!" She cried.

They run for miles until the light stopped at a devastating place. A lot of trees were destroyed. The place was a disaster. They went to check it.

-"They were here." Yoongi said.

-"Who do you mean?" Skye asked.

-"A little creatures live here, they look like black shadows, all what they do is to kill anyone who enter this world, they're called "Krytos". But they don't attack unless there's someone."

-"Look there!" She said it while pointing to a guy lying under a broken tree, he was holding an apple in his hand. They ran to save him. They tried to get him out but the tree was too heavy.

-"We must save him before he dies." She said while trying to move the tree. At this moment, the tree started to fly in the air, she was controlling it with her hands. Yoongi was surprised to see this power and she was too.

-"Move it slowly away from here." He told her and she did it.

-"Is this my power?" She asked him.

-"That's nothing. Your power is able to destroy the world." He answered.

He then went to reassure the guy was alive, put his hand on his neck.

-"Is he okay?" She asked him.

-"Don't worry he's still alive but he's in a bad state. Look, his head is bleeding."

-"Can my power cure him?"

He looked at her saying "Maybe it can, why don't you try?"

She came closer to the guy, put her hand on his head and closed her eyes trying to concentrate. A light came from her hand and it was healing his bleeds.

Then Yoongi said "You did it! Your power started to appear. Did you know now how strong you're? And there's still more."

-"I just wish I can control it well."

He was still looking at her hands where there was blood because of the guy's bleeding head.

-"What are you looking at?" She asked him.

Suddenly, he held her hands and licked the blood on it. She pulled her hands saying "What are you doing? That's disgusting."

-"I'm sorry..I'm vampire, I can't control myself when I see blood." He got out a handkerchief from his pocket and swipe the blood and his saliva too.

-"Forgive me, please." He told her.

-"T...That's okay." She said while blushing.

The guy woke up putting his hand on his head. He felt the disappearance of the blood.

-"Was it a dream? I'm sure I was in a battle with the Krytos." He talked to himself.

-"It wasn't a dream, the girl hole you." Yoongi answered.

-"Oh! I didn't notice you were here, sorry. Thank you!"

-"Not at all. Who are you?" The girl asked.

He stood up on his legs "I'm Park Jimin, I'm a fallen angel. You can call me Jimin. And you?"

-"I'm Skye, I'm the one who is going to save you the six and he's-

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-"I'm Skye, I'm the one who is going to save you the six and he's-."

-"Lord Yoongi, the Lord of vampires."

-"What's this apple you're holding?" She asked.

He was holding a red apple and a big X was engraved on it.

"I really don't know, I don't remember holding it, I'll throw it away. So you're the choosen one!" Jimin said, then he approached to her and held her hand saying "Thank you for saving me, I'll protect you forever."

She blushed and said "T..Thank you."

Yoongi who looked angry pushed their hands away and said "Stop this drama, we don't have time to waste, we must find the others."

-"It's going to be dark soon." Jimin said.

-"It's always dark." Skye replied.

Jimin laughed "Yeah! You're right but that was day, the night will come soon."

-"Let's wait for tomorrow, Yoongi." She said.

Yoongi answered after some seconds "Okay. We'll have to sleep here. Collect a lot of leaves to sleep on them."

They made fire and slept in the forest. Who knows what waits them?

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