Chapter 6

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~Back to the black world~

They woke up and Skye was trying to use the necklace's power to find the others.

-"Beautiful necklace but from where did you get it?" Jimin asked.

-"A friend gave it to me." She replied.

-"A friend or a boyfriend?" He asked with a smile.

Yoongi looked at her like he was waiting for an answer and she said "No it's a friend, I don't have a boyfriend."

-Jimin laughed and said "Okay Okay, why did get nervous like that?"

She blushed and Yoongi said "Come on we must hurry. Skye did you do it?"

-"I'm trying." She closed her eyes again and the same happened, the red light appeared and they all followed it.

While walking, Yoongi and Jimin were talking a little but Skye didn't say a word. She looked upset.

Jimin asked "What's the matter? You aren't in a good mood."

-"I'm fine, believe me." She replied.

Yoongi said "I don't believe you, you're lying. Say the truth."

She looked at him astonished of what he said "I just miss my friends and my mother. I'm sure she's trying to find me. I just want to reassure her that I'm fine."

Jimin said "Don't worry, as soon as we finish this mission you'll return to your world."

-"I wish so."

She kept thinking about this problem, after some minutes she began to ask "So, does anyone know about the black wor-?"

She looked around her and didn't find anyone.

"What happened? I was walking with them, where did they go?"

She began to scream "Yoongi! Jimin! Where are you?"

No one answered. "I'm lost now, maybe this necklace will help me."

"Skye, what are you doing here?"

She looked behind her and she found Yoongi.

-"Yoongi, I'm happy I found you."

He begins to laugh and it was the first time she saw him laughing, she didn't even see him smiling. He put out his right hand "Hold my hand, like that you'll never her lost again."

She hesitated a little and then said "Yoongi, is that you?"

-"What do you mean? Of course you I'm."

-"I don't know but Yoongi doesn't treat me sweetly like that."

-"Come on we must go!" He held her hand strongly.

-"Yoongi, you're hurting me."

Then his eyes were totally white, you can't see any color in them. The look of his eyes were frightening.

She asked "What's happening? Who're you?"

-"You'll come with me." He replied.

Then someone or something came from behind, it was....Her mother!

-"Mama! How did you come here?"

Her mother had a knife in her hands and she was pointing it at Skye. She also had the eyes completely white like that creature who is pretending being Yoongi.

-"Mother! What're you doing? Save me!"

She was coming forward and Skye was trying to escape but that creature was holding her so tightly.

Then a strong red light came out of the necklace, they declined backwards. After the light disappeared, they turned into black creatures with white eyes.

 After the light disappeared, they turned into black creatures with white eyes

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"So those are the Krytos!"

Then a lot of them appeared from everywhere. She was scared and all what she did was to run as quickly as she can.

She kept running until she stopped at a very huge stone. It was impossible to climb it. In a second, the Krytos were surrounding her. She tried to defend herself but she can't find any weapon.

She remembered about her power but until now she didn't know how to use it but she tried. She put her hands in front of her and thought about beating those creatures.

Luckily, she scintillated a blue beam towards a Krytos and it disappeared like it has been evaporated.

She was happy because she finally can protect herself. She continued beating them but they came from everywhere. It was like an army but she felt exhausted and it was hard to breath.

"Yoongi, where're you? You said you would protect me."

She heard a strange voice coming from the forest. A big grey wolf jumped from the trees.

The strange thing that he didn't attack her, he was protecting her from the Krytos. When they saw the wolf, they ran away.

Then the wolf looked at her maybe he was thinking at an attack but when he saw the necklace he calmed and the wolf turned into...A Human!

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