Chapter 2

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At night, she was at her bed reading one of her grandpa's books about magic. She finished reading and turned off the lights. She was going to sleep when the necklace started to shine.

The red heart was more red and there was a strong red light coming from it. She put her hand in front of her eyes but suddenly it stopped. She didn't recognize the reason but she thought it's because of the darkness of the room because it didn't do this in the light.She didn't care so much and went to sleep.

In her dream, she saw herself in a dark forest with tall trees. Then, six boys appeared in front of her. One of them came towards her "Please, we need your help. You're the only one who can save us."

-"Save you from what?" She asked.

-"Form him. But don't tell anyone."

Suddenly, they disappeared. She looked around but didn't find them. Then, Taehyung came and hugged her saying "Skye, I missed you."

-"Taehyung, there was six boys who needed help. They told me to save them but I don't know from wh-"
He interrupted her "Don't worry, everything is okay. You're finally with me."

In one second, his right hand came out with a knife and stabbed her in her heart.

She woke up from fear, looking around her. She was happy because nothing of this was real.

"Luckily, just a nightmare."

Next day, she was at her school, thinking about this dream. Who were those six boys? And why did Taehyung stab her?

-"Skye...Skye!!" Someone shouted. She looked and it was her teacher.
"Can you tell me what I was saying? Of course NO! Focus here, looking through the window will never help you in your exams."

-"I'm sorry."

Even though, she can't stop thinking about that dream. She wished Taehyung was here to tell him about it.

While she was going home, strange things happened too. She was walking when a pot plant was going to hit her head, the necklace shone and the pot exploded in the air without knowing the reason.

She ran to her house. She stopped because of the traffic light that was red. When it turned into green, she crossed the street. A black car was coming towards her with a high speed. Again, the necklace shone and the car stopped. Her heart was beating so fast and she started to run as fast as she could until she arrived.

When she got home, she found her mother in the kitchen. Her breaths were so quick.

-"Were you running in the street?" Her mother asked.

-"Yes, a car was going to hit me and a pot plant was going to fell on my head."

-"Did you get hurt?" Her mother asked So calmly.

-"I'm okay but-"

-"The important thing is nothing happened to you."

The girl said to herself in a low voice "Tsk, you don't even care about me. Why am I telling you anyway."

-"Did you say someth-?"

She went quickly to her room and locked the door. She got a box that was under the bed. She kept all her grandpa's books in this box. She searched about magical equipments like rings, necklaces..etc.

While looking, she found a picture of the same necklace that Taehyung gave her. She took it off to compare it with the photo and it was exactly the same. Then, the necklace started to shine again with the same light like the last night. She started to read the part about the necklace.

And that's what she found:
The dark necklace, is the strongest necklace in the world of magic. With it, you can capture any creature in the world, whatever was his kind (vampire, demon, devil, fallen angels even humans...).

-"Do vampire really exist?" She asked herself and continued reading.

The one, who has that necklace, has a big power and can do whatever he wants.

-"How can this be real?"

Suddenly, the necklace started to shine but brightly more than before, she can't even look at it because of its strong light. She felt something pulled her towards the necklace. She tried to resist it but failed.

And from here the real adventure begins.

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