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Song: Call Me - Blondie

-Evangeline's POV-

"Again?" He said and I nodded. Sinclair played about with a play sword and shield as he hit a dummy.

"Are you serious though?" He asked and I nodded again.

"What is it?" He asked. And I smiled showing him the picture.

"A boy." I said and he grinned.

"We're having another boy?" He questioned and I nodded.

"They are going to kick so much ass in life." He muttered and wrapped me in a hug.

Payne, Sinclair, and I have moved into our own home and have been growing our small little family up. Now we are expecting another baby which happens to be a little boy.

This is going to be very chaotic.


"Mommy? Are you okay?" Sinclair asked as I laid on the couch.

Something was wrong. I was about 8 months in to my pregnancy and I was feeling super sick. My body would not let me sit up because I was so weak. My skin was pale and I ran a high fever. Sinclair's pregnancy was not like this at all.

"No, baby. Please go get daddy." I said to my 4 year old. He ran as fast as he could to go find Payne and my breathing became labored.

Something was definitely wrong.

Payne rushed in with Sinclair following shortly behind. I could see tears streaming down Sinclair's face as he held one of his favorite toys closely to his chest. Payne looked at me frantically and pulled me up off the couch then carried me bridal style to the car.

"Shh. It'll be okay. Hang in there, Evangeline." Payne whispered to me as he put me in the car then buckled Sinclair in.

Payne sped towards the hospital and led me to the front doors with Sinclair holding onto his other hand.

"She needs help immediately." Payne demanded to the lady at the desk. Her eyes widened and I recognized it as the lady who was there for Sinclair's pregnancy test.

"Of course." She said and grabbed a wheel chair for me to sit in. Payne and Sinclair could not follow me to the back so I was alone throughout the whole thing.

"Ma'am, what's wrong?" The Doctor asked as he hurriedly got himself ready for what needed to happen.

"I-I don't k-know." I breathed and my stomach clenched and my vision became blurry. The doctor had me strip down and get into a gown, but noticed that I had started to bleed from down there.

"Listen closely, ma'am. We're are going to have to go through an emergency c-section, okay? You're baby is ready to come out now and if you do not let that happen then there is a good chance that both of you will not make it. Please listen to what we say." He instructed gently. I nodded my head as him and a nurse lifted me up into a bed.

Numbing cream was applied after everything was prepped and the tools were ready. The surgery began shortly after. I couldn't feel hardly any pain from the surgery because all I could feel was pain from my baby.

The doctors continued to say stuff to each other as the incision was made to help release my little boy.

After awhile the procedure was over then the careful act of extracting him was set into place. All of a sudden I saw my baby being pulled from me and into my vision.

I saw Payne walk in out of the corner of my eye and he was in scrubs as well for sanitary reasons. Gloves were on his hands as well as a hairnet and mask.

"Here's your son." The Doctor said softly and placed him on my chest. He hasn't been cleaned off yet, but I was just so happy to have both of us still here. Payne came and sat next to us then grabbed my hand gently.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. They wouldn't let me back, I tried." He muttered and I gave him a weak smile.

"It's okay." I said and looked around. "Where's Sinclair." I asked.

"Sandy and Max came. I called them when you were escorted to the back and they rushed over as soon as I told them. They bright their little girl, Ellis, so she could play with Sinclair." He said softly.

After a little, out baby was asleep and cleaned up as well as me. Payne got to hold him and the nurses made sure everything was taken care of before leaving us alone.

Our baby was a bit under weight because he was premature, but it was nothing drastic or worrisome.

"Have a name?" Payne asked and smirked at me.

"This all seems too familiar." I laughed and grabbed Payne's hand.

"Well I'm assuming you want a badass name as well." Payne laughed and I nodded.

"I think I have an idea though." I whispered and looked at my two boys. Payne was holding him so gently and looking at him with such admiration and awe.

"Shoot away." Payne whispered and looked at me.

"Anakin." I said and Payne's eyes lit up.

"I fucking love it." He whispered with enthusiasm.

"Right?!" I commented and smiled at him.

"Welcome, Anakin." Payne introduced, kissing his small head.


Sorry it's short again, buttttt THERES A SECOND BOOK!! It'll be based off of Anakin and that's why I ended it with this birth, not the one of Sinclair. I will post another thing just about the second book so keep your eyes open:)


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