Chapter 7

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Nagisa's POV

- Huh!?!?

I passed out the papers through the class then waited a few minutes before picking them back up and checking if they were all signed properly. Once that was done with, I when' back to the front of the class and told them to raise their hands if they had any questions and that I would get to all of them. There, maybe this way we can avoid the usual chaos.

Karma's POV

Right after Nagisa said that, every one of his student's raised their hand. This is going to be a long day. The questions dragged on and we weren't getting anywhere fast. That is until someone asked a rather decent question. Got to admit, I was a bit impressed that he looked into aware past.

- This is you isn't it?

The brown haired kid said while holding up an old newspaper. Finally, where getting somewhere.

- Yes, that's me. The press took that picture after the graduation ceremony the year aware class killed the guy that blew up the moon. And he also happened to be aware teacher.

- What? So when you said that he was a giant octopus, you were being serious.

After that comment, the whole class room went into an uproar. They finally figured it out but wouldn't believe their ears. What a pain. These brats are more annoying than my counselors.

- Mr. Karma

I heard a voice coming from my hidden communicator. Telling Nagisa that I needed to take a call, I walked out of the noisy room.

- What is it, did you find out anything?

- Yes sir, after extensive research, we found that the assassin was hired by CMR, a company that researches and produces antidotes for different illnesses. We've also confirmed that the assassin was ordered to bring his target back to them alive and unharmed. So it would be more like a kidnaping than an actual assassination.

- That's strange. I want you to research the CMR. I want to know everything about them. Tell me everything you find.

- Yes sir!

I ended the call and took a deep breath. How dare they attack Nagisa! Those sons of biches are starting a war they can't win. Their all dead for hurting a single hair on his blue head. I punch the lockers next to me making a bid dent in them then walked back to join Nagisa once I had calmed down.

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