Chapter 1

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"Lets go Jayson!" I yelled from the high school bleachers.

The game was tied 74-74 with 10 seconds left on the clock.

My best friend Jayson Tatum was dribbling the ball up the court quickly glancing between the clock and the hoop.

Suddenly he was guarded by the opposing team. Jayson being Jayson started dribbling down and the other team followed.

Jayson pulled back and switched the ball to his other hand making his defender drop onto the floor.

He automatically pulled up for a three pointer the whole gym was silent until you heard the basketball swish into the net and suddenly the whole gym erupted in cheers.

Everyone rushed the court and i turned to Brandi, Jayson's Mom and gave her a hug. "That boy always knows what to do" she said with her big smile. "He sure does" i said smiling.

Our team headed towards the locker room to get changed and have their team meeting.
"Haley do you think you can give Jayson a ride home i have to go run some errands before i go home" Brandi asked me.

I nodded "Yeah sure I'll take him home". She hugged me "thanks honey" she said walking off.

I was leaned against the lockers waiting for Jaysons tall ass to walk out of the locker rooms.

I pulled out my phone and checked Snapchat to see everyone's snap stories being blown up from the game.

I saw a figure above my phone i looked up expecting to see Jayson but the person who was standing in front of me was the boy that Jayson just dropped not nearly than 10 minutes ago.

I raised my eyebrow "Can i help you". He smirked "Aye ma, let me getcho number". I tried not to laugh "No thanks".

"Come on ma, you fine as fuck let me hit" i
gave him the dirtiest look ever.
I was about to cuss him out until i felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and a kiss being sent to my temple.

I looked up seeing my tall ass best friend "Hey beautiful is he bothering you" Jayson asked glaring at the guy.

Before i could say something the guy quickly replied " nah nothing man" and ran off.

Once he was out of sight i started laughing loudly "omg that was great". Jayson also laughed "dumb ass little boys".

Jayson looked around "did my mom leave". I nodded "yes now I'm stuck bringing your ass home". "Shut up you know you love me cupcake" he said wrapping a arm around my shoulders and started walking to my car.
He threw his bag into the back seat and got into the passenger seat and reclined all the way back.

I rolled my eyes "Yup sure just make yourself comfortable in my car".

He just smiled widely "I'm hungry let's stop somewhere to eat".

I turned on the car and looked at him "where do you want to go". "Lets go to five guys I'm in the mood for a good ass burger".

I drove out of the parking spot and headed towards five guys. We walked into the restaurant and began looking at the menu.

Jayson looked over at me "what do you want cupcake". "A bacon cheeseburger with lettuce tomato onions and mayo and a milkshake" i smiled up at him.

"Go grab us some seats and I'll order". I nodded and looked for some seats.
I picked a table for 2 near the back by the windows.

I saw Jayson walk up to me with two cups in his hand "i got you lemonade". "Thanks" i said taking my cup from his hands.

He sat down in the chair across from me. "You know Jay I'm really proud of you".

He looked at me confused "For what exactly". "Just everything this great basketball player you've become you just worked so hard to get where your at right now college is next year and I'm so happy for all the scholarships you are getting I'm just so proud of you" i said looking into his eyes.

"Did i ever tell you I'm the luckiest guy to have you as a best friend" he smiled widely at me.

 "Did i ever tell you I'm the luckiest guy to have you as a best friend" he smiled widely at me

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I smiled "yup be proud a lot of boys want to be my best friend ". He shook his head.

They called our number and Jayson got up and got our food.

He gave me my burgers and fries and i immediately opened my burger and took a bit of it. "Omg this is sooo good Jay" i said looking down at my burger.

He just started laughing i looked up at him to see that he was recording. "Jay! Delete that right now!" I yelled hitting his arm.

" I'm saving it but i won't post it so don't post embarrassing pictures of me and I'll make sure no one sees this". I just rolled my eyes.

We finally finished and got back into my car and i was on my way to his house.

"Are your parents home" Jay looked over at me. I shook my head no.

"Haley i don't know why they just leave you alone like this your still 17 your not even 18 yet they can't legally do this they leave you alone all the time and it pisses me off".

I just shrugged my shoulders "I've gotten used to it once their gone so much out of your life it doesn't effect you anymore".

"But it should!" He said raising his voice "how long are they gone this time". "2 weeks" i said quietly.

"I'm so sick and tired of you staying alone at your house all the time your staying with me and my mom for the two weeks".
I shook my head "no i don't want to be a burden". He rolled his eyes "Haley you're my best friend my mom loves you she wouldn't mind". "Fine okay I'll stay with you".

He smiled "good now drive to your house and get some clothes".

After going to my house we finally arrived at his house and walked up into his bedroom. "Get comfortable I'm gonna go take a shower then we'll watch a movie and go to bed".

I nodded and watched him head into his bathroom.

I changed out of my clothes into a pair of shorts and a tank top.

About an half an hour later Jayson walked in with no shirt and his basketball shorts hanging dangerously low on his hips.

I tried so hard not to look at the abs staring right at me. He might be my best friend but he is totally attractive.

He jumped into bed next to me "so what are we watching". I shrugged my shoulders "don't care up to you".

He picked saw. "You're so annoying" i laughed.
We were both leaning against his headboard and i had my head laying on his bare shoulder. I tried keeping my eyes open but it was so hard so i eventually ended up falling asleep cuddled up next to Jayson.

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