Chapter 10

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Today was the state championship game. I opened my eyes from my sleep and saw Jayson still knocked out beside me with his arm still over my waist. I tried to get up without waking him up.

I was almost fully up until he pulled me back down and cuddled into me more "5 more minutes Haley". "I have to pee" I said. He sighed and released his hold on me.

I got up and did my bathroom things and when I was done I walked back into Jaysons room still seeing him knocked out in his bed.

"Are you gonna wake up" I asked him putting my hands on my hips. He rolled over and looked at me "I'm up already".

"Good now lets go I wanna take you out for breakfast" I said to him. He raised his body off his bed grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom.

I started going through my stuff and threw on an outfit.

I started going through my stuff and threw on an outfit

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Then I started to do my makeup. Jayson walked in with black nike sweats, red Nike sweater and Nike slides. "So where we going" he asked me. "We're going to ihop gotta treat my bestie before his big game tonight" I smiled up at him.

He kissed the top of my head "and this is why you're the best". I smiled up at him "yes I know".

We finished getting ready and we walked to my car and I began driving to ihop. We finally get the there and walk into ihop. We got seated and looked at the menu.

"Hi my name is Samatha I'll be your waitress can I take your order" our blonde hair waitress said staring at Jayson. I raised my eyebrow while she stared at him lovingly while he ordered.

After he finished she finally turned to me and raised an eyebrow "and you". I rolled my eyes and placed my order. She smiled at Jayson and took our menus and walked away.

"Bitch ass" i mumbled. Jayson laughed "Aww is little Haley jealous". I scoffed "no but she's a waitress she shouldn't try to flirt with customers". He just smiled at me and grabbed my hand from across the table "remember what I told you only you and my mom okay". I nodded while he put my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

It was about 15 minutes later when are food arrived and Jayson and I were still holding hands. Samatha looked at our hands and rolled her eyes.

She placed our food down rolled her eyes and walked away. I silently laughed and began eating my food. After Jayson and I were finished we paid and walked to my car.

"I'm driving" Jayson yelled jumping in the drivers seat. I rolled my eyes and got in the passenger seat. He drove to his house and we got out and headed towards his room.

I laid down in his down in his bed while he was getting changed for his game. We had to leave soon because it was a two hour ride to the gym it was being held in.

He was finally in his done getting dressed and he was pulling his sweats over his uniform pants. "Are you ready for this" I ask him. He nodded "this is what I've been waiting for". I clapped my hands together "well let's get going you got a game to win".

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