Chapter 5

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We got to Jayson's house and we headed into his room and he jumped into the shower. I looked through my clothes and pulled out my outfit and put it on.

 I looked through my clothes and pulled out my outfit and put it on

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After i was done getting ready i went downstairs to eat something. I started heating up some pizza rolls before i heard Jaysons giant legs come down stairs. And i have to say the boy can dress.

"Who are you looking good for" i asked him raising an eyebrow

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"Who are you looking good for" i asked him raising an eyebrow. He just smiled at me and took one of my pizza rolls. "You look really gorgeous Haley" he smiled at me.

I blushed and he walked up to me and moved a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed me on the cheek "Lets go". "Okay let me go brush my teeth first". After i finished with that we hopped into the car and i began driving to the beach.

As we got their we can see a bunch of people on the beach surrounding the fire. As we got out of the car Jayson went to the trunk of my car and pulled out a black jacket he had kept in there. He walked over and handed it to me "here i know your gonna end up getting cold so here". I smiled up at him "thanks bubs".

We walked side by side onto the beach. "Hey guys" Sirna yelled. "Are you already drunk" i asked. "Pshh no" she took a long pause "okay maybe" she laughed. I shook my head and said wassup to everyone at the party. While i was doing that i lost Jayson.

"Hey Haley" i heard from behind me. I turned around and was faced with Xavier. "Hi X, you made it" i said. "Yeah i had trouble finding this place though I'm not used to Saint Louis yet" he replied. "Well if you need anyone to show you around I'll volunteer" i smiled at him. He smirked back "Alright I'll remember that". I looked down and blushed.

"Hey wassup skank" i heard from beside me. I glanced over and looked at the bitch herself Lara with Anthony's arm wrapped around her shoulders. After everything it still hurts he got back with her after he cheated on me with her.

I rolled my eyes at her "What the hell do you want Lara". "I just wanted to tell you that your a total bitch and you don't deserve any of your friends you don't deserve to be popular and your a slutty ass bitch". I glared at her "first of all bitch what the hell did i ever do to you, you come over here calling me a slutty ass bitch when you were sleeping with a guy that had a whole girlfriend does that sound familiar" i asked her with an eyebrow raised.

Anthony's ass decided to get into the conversation and step in-front of Lara to face me. "Haley i tried to tell show you that i didn't love you anymore not texting you back right away when i said i was with the boys i really was with Lara and i think that you are the sluttiest bitch in this school". I just stood their in shock i knew we were done and finished but i never expected him to call me a bitch.

Xavier was about to step in until a tall body stood infront of me. Jayson. "You need to back the fuck up right now before you get hurt cause I'm this close to beating your ass" Jayson said getting angrier by the second. "Do something then bitch boy" Anthony smirked.

As badly as i wanted to see Anthony beat up i wasn't going to let Jayson ruin any opportunity of him getting into to college because of me. Before he threw a punch i stood infront of him and placed my hands on his chest.

I looked up at him with pleading eyes "no" i said shaking my head. "Haley move out of my way I've been waiting forever to kick his ass" he said trying to move past me. I shook my head again "Jay please lets just go home okay?" I asked him with tears welling up in my eyes.

He saw the tears forming and knew he had to listen to me even though he wanted to kick Anthony's ass. He nodded his head and slipped one of his hands into one of mine that was placed on his chest. I started pulling him away from Anthony.

"Yeah that's right listen to your little bitch" Anthony screamed once Jayson was turned around. I couldn't stop Jayson this time when he turned around and ran to Anthony and straight punched him in his face. He got on top of him and kept repeatedly punching him. A big crowd formed around us chanting on Jayson.

I ran over and tried pulling him off but it was no use. Until Kai, Lucas, Will, and Xavier came and pulled him off. I had tears streaming down my face i guess my whimper triggered something in Jayson's mind because once he heard it his head snapped to look at me.

He pushed the guys off of him and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to the car. He put me in the passenger seat and he began driving to his house. The whole ride home was silent all could be heard was whimpers here and there from me.

As soon as we got into the house we both went up to his room and he began to change. I went to take a shower and throw on some pjs i had shorts with a large t-shirts on. I walked back into his room to see Jayson sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands on his head.

I walked over to him and stood in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around my legs and placed his head on my stomach. "I'm sorry" he whispered. I grabbed his head and made him look at me and kissed his forehead. "It's not your fault he provoked you". "I know he did i wasn't gonna let him say anything bad about you, but i shouldn't of done it you told me not too" he said with puppy eyes. I laughed and leaned my forehead against his "You don't always have to listen to me". He smiled up at me "yeah but i like too".

I chuckled and looked into his eyes. It was silent for a few minutes while we were both smiling and looking into each other's eyes. My body took control and started to lean into him and he started doing the same. Right before our lips could touch there was a knock on his door. We separated quickly and i sat next to him on his bed.

His mom walked into his room "Hi Jay, Hi Haley nice game today Jayson made me proud". Jayson was still blushing from what just happened moments ago. He rubbed the back of his neck "thanks ma". She smiled and left the room.

We both looked at each other and bursted out laughing. "We're seeing Kayden tomorrow right" i said. He rolled his eyes "Yes haley". I smiled brightly i loved his little sister. We both leaned against the head rest and i put his arm around my shoulders and cuddled into his chest while he picked out a movie.

He leaned his head against mine while i pulled the blanket over us. "How many games do you have to win to make it to states" i asked. "2 so if we win the 2 playoffs games this week we'll go to states" he replied.

" it's your senior year better make it to states" i laughed. He chuckled "I'll try cupcake I'll try". My eyes were getting heavy and i ended up falling asleep on him half way through the movie.

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