Chapter 3

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As Jayson and I walked through the double doors i was begging him for us to go see his little sister Kayden.

"Please Jay i haven't seen her in forever" i looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "You saw her two days ago" he said rolling his eyes.

"Pleaseeeeee" i continually punched him in the arm. "Damn fine we'll go see her tomorrow i have a game today and this game we need to win in order to make it to playoffs and go for states" he said looking around our school.

"Thanks bubs" i said kissing his cheek "I'll see you later i have to get to class". He kissed my forehead and walked off.

"Girl when are you gonna boo him up like seriously" my best friend Sarina said. "What are you talking about i don't like him" i said defensive. "Haley since i knew you i known you've always had a crush on that boy, boyfriend or not and i think he likes you back" she said wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

" I don't know what your talking about" i said plugging my headphones in walking away from her. I got into to class and sat in my seat in the back row. I've always liked sitting in the back never in the front.

My first class of the day i hate the most because my ex Anthony is in it and best of all he sits next to me cause his ass decided to pick that seat.

"Hi Haley your looking gorgeous as ever today" Anthony said smiling. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. " Come on haley i told you i was sorry can you just forgive me and we can get back together". I ignored him again and turned my music all the way up to tune him out and decided to text Jayson.

Me: Jay I'm ready to kill this little boy.

Jay🙄❤️: What he do now?

Me: he's trying to tell me we should get back together.

Jay🙄❤️: want me to come and beat him up?

Me: I wish but you have basketball and i don't want you to risk it.

Jay🙄❤️: if i needed to beat anyone up for you at anytime i will, you know i gotchu always 🤞🏼❤️

Me: I know ❤️ and i love you for it but not now.

Jay🙄❤️: I know cupcake, i know well get back to your education and make me proud 😂

Me: Shut up loser 😂 I'll see you at lunch.

As lunch came around I spotted Jayson at a table with Will, Kai, Anya, Lucas and Sarina. "Hello my friends" i said smiling walking up to the table.

"Hey shortie" will said dapping me up. "Hi cupcake" Jayson smiled at me. The rest just nodded at me. I took a seat in between sarina and Jayson.

"What do you want for lunch" jay asked me. "I don't know I'm not even hungry" i shrugged my shoulders.

Before Jayson could reply the devil herself Lara walked up to our table. "Jayson oh my god you had such a good game yesterday, maybe after today's game you can come over and have some fun with me" she said smiling and biting her lip.

We all raised our eyebrows at her. "Honey don't you have a whole boyfriend" Sirna asked mean mugging her. Lara just scoffed "Nah I'm done with him you know he just wasn't as good after we were caught ain't that right Haley" she winked at me.

"You should keep your mouth shut hoe"' anya said also mean mugging her. Lara smirked "Nah maybe i wanna go after the most important person in her life, maybe like her best friend" she eyed Jayson up and down.

"First of all keep Haley's name out your mouth second, i don't want your ass in the first place" Jayson said shrugging her shoulders.

"We'll see about that see ya later Haley" she winked walking away. I just sat their in silence after she left. She has always made my life difficult and i have no idea what i ever did to her.

"Haley you okay?" Kai asked me. I didn't reply and just grabbed my stuff and walked out of the lunch room.

At the lunch table they all stared when they saw Haley walk out of the cafeteria. Jayson put his head on the table. "Lara stresses me out man every time she comes around she always makes haley upset and it pisses me off".

Kai and Lucas smirked at him "we know why it pisses you off" Lucas said. Jayson raised his eyebrow waiting for a response. "It's because you love her and it makes you mad seeing her upset" Sirna said getting in the conversation.

"I do not" Jayson said defending himself. But knowing in his heart haley was the girl he was and always will be in love with. "We've known it for ever Jayson" anya said.

Jayson didn't know if he should tell them or not cause he doesn't want to ruin his friendship with haley if she doesn't feel the same way.

"Okay fine I love the girl okay, how can you not she's literally the perfect thing ever she supports me, my family loves her, she just brightens up a room when she walks in it, yes okay i love her i always have always will" Jayson felt good finally revealing his feelings for haley that he has bottled up for years.

"So tell her idiot!" Will said. "I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't feel the same way" Jayson said lowering his eyes.

"Are you that much of an idiot Jayson, do you see the way she looks at you and how she acts around you, you guys already act like boyfriend and girlfriend you guys just don't see it" Sirna said shaking her head.

"You really think she likes me back" Jayson said with hopeful eyes. "Duh" everyone at the table said.

Jayson nodded. "I should go find her and check on her" he said walking out of the lunchroom.

"That boy is so whipped" kai said laughing. "Uhm so are you and Lucas so shut your mouth" Anya said referring to her relationship with Kai and Sirna's relationship with Lucas.

After i walked out i went to my locker to grab my chemistry book for my next class. "Excuse me do you know where room 237A is" i heard a voice say beside me.

I looked up and saw this beautiful light skin boy.

I smiled and looked down "Yeah i actually have that class right now i can walk you"

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I smiled and looked down "Yeah i actually have that class right now i can walk you".

He smiled at me "Thank you I'm new here and have no idea where I'm going" he laughed.

"I'm Haley Vega by the way" i smiled at him. "Xavier Porter" he smiled back as soon as the bell rung.

Xavier and I were walking side by side walking to our class until suddenly stopped by Jayson. He was breathing hard. "Jesus Christ your hard to find" he said putting his hands on his knees.

As soon as he looked at Xavier he stood straight up "who's this" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Xavier meet Jayson my best friend, Jayson meet Xavier my new friend" i said smiling between the two.

Xavier gave him a head a head nod while Jayson just stared at him. "Alright cupcake I'll see you after school you driving home before my game right" Jayson asked. I nodded. "Okay I'll see you later" he kissed my forehead before walking off.

"He plays basketball?" Xavier asked. "Yep star basketball player right there" i smiled. "What time does the game start" he asked. "730" i replied.

He smiled "Okay I'll see you there". I blushed and looked down and walked into our classroom.

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