Chapter 6

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As the day began currently Jayson and I were headed to his dad's house to go see his sister. My little baby lol. We pulled up to his fathers house and i jumped out and knocked on the door. Jaysons father Justin opened the door and smiled at me. "Hey Haley" he said hugging me. "Haley!" I heard a little yell behind him. He moved to the side and i saw little Kayden run up to me.

I scooped her up and put her on my hip "hi kay" i kissed her cheek. She gave me the biggest hug ever "I missed you hay hay". Jayson rolled his eyes "you both are annoying you saw each other like 3 days ago but hi sis" he said kissing her cheek.

I walked Kayden and I to the living and sat us down on the floor while i began playing with her and her toys. Jayson and his father was having a discussion in the kitchen.

Jayson's P.O.V
"Okay son what did you want to talk to me about". I took a deep breath this was hard dission that i was making. "I want to go to Duke college for baksetball pops" i sighed. He raised an eyebrow "Are you sure about that son, you sure you don't wanna play here and be close to your family" he asked me. I sighed "i would pop but i think Duke is the best option for me right now they are very popular and they will get me more noticed for the draft". He nodded his head.

"And what about your little girlfriend in there where is she going to college". I looked into the living room seeing Haley playing with Kayden and her toys. Damn i really want to see that in the future with our own kids. I finally looked back at my dad "I don't know she hasn't said anything yet i hope she goes to an art school because trust and believe dad her voice is amazing" i said staring at her.

My dad smiled at me "you really do love her huh?". I smiled still looking at her. "Yeah i really do". "Well tell her son before it's too late". I walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

Haley's P.O.V
Jayson came over and sat on the couch and picked up Kayden she was playing with his face and i thought it was adorable so i took a pic and posted it on snap.

I wouldn't mind seeing Jayson play with kids or our kids in the future it's a adorable site

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I wouldn't mind seeing Jayson play with kids or our kids in the future it's a adorable site.

We stayed for about 3 hours at his dads house and then decided to go home and just chill for the day. Jayson and I switched into pjs and stayed at home all day long and let know one bother us.

Today was Jaysons 1st round of playoffs and i was excited and nervous for him. We were sitting in the lunch table and he kept bouncing his leg up and down. I was getting annoyed so i put my hand on his leg "stop" i said. He finally stopped bouncing his leg and zoned back into the conversation we were all having.

"So haley you know the talent show is coming up you performing again this year" Sirna asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Yes she is" Jayson replied for me. I just glared at him while he smiled back at me. "Hold up you sing?" Xavier asked me. I nodded my head. "Thats awesome i rap a little myself" he smiled.

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