Chapter 2

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I woke up with an arm wrapped around my waist and a head buried in my neck.

"Jay get off of me" i said pushing his head away. "No Haley five more minutes" he mumbled.

I let him stay there cause i knew he was comfortable. Jayson and I have been best friends for over 12 years now and i wouldn't replace him for anyone.

Jayson has had girlfriends here and there but it would never last long and i don't know why he's the best guy anyone could ask for.

I had one boyfriend my whole life that i dated for about a year until i found out he was cheating on me with his ex girlfriend.

Jayson was the only one their for me at that time.

I was laying on my bed waiting for my boyfriend to text me back. I've been waiting over 6 hours for a text back i would've been fine if he was texting me back saying he was busy but nothing.

I decided to drive over to his house to see what was going on with him. I saw his car parked in his driveway so i knew he was home.

I knocked on his door but i got no answer. I knew he had a spare key in his mail box so i grabbed the key and opened up the door.

The house was dark and quiet. I walked up to his bedroom and saw his light on underneath the door. I suddenly heard thumping coming from his room.

My heart started racing as a opened up the door. As soon as i did that my heart broke into to pieces.

I saw my boyfriend Anthony on top of my his ex girlfriend Lara both naked. I stopped and just started crying.

Hearing my whimpers Anthony turned around and looked at me. "Haley!" He screamed. "This isn't what it looks like".

I didn't want to hear his excuses and just ran back to my car. I saw him running up to my car with just basketball shorts on.

"Haley please just let me explain" he pleaded with me not acting like he just broke my heart. I didn't listen to his begging and just drove off.

I didn't know what to do i just got my heart ripped and half and I'm here driving with tears streaming down my face. I drove to the one place i knew that would cheer me up. Jayson's house.

I pulled up to his house and got out of my car. I walked up to his door and knocked on it. It was about 1 am right now and i knew they were probably all sleeping but i just needed to see Jayson right now.

The door swung open and it revealed Jayson in just boxers on. He looked at me confusingly "Haley what's wrong?". I probably looked a mess with my hair all over the place and my eyes all red and puffy from crying.

"He cheated on me" i said before he pulled me into his arms and let me break down into his arms.

"He cheated on me" i said before he pulled me into his arms and let me break down into his arms

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From then Jayson has been really picky about my guy friends and who tries to talk to me. He just doesn't want me to get my heart broken again.

"Come on Jay get up we have to get ready for school". He groaned and moved away from me. I got up and headed into his bathroom to take a shower. I got into the shower and started cleaning my body.

I heard the bathroom door open and the toilet seat being raised. "Are you really peeing right now?" I asked Jay. "Yes i am problem?". I heard the toilet flush and the sink water being turned on.

I poked my head out of the shower curtain "Want to go get some Dunkin before we go to school". He looked at me with his toothbrush in his mouth and nodded. He turned back to the sink and spit his toothpaste out. "Yeah hurry your ass up i have to take a shower too". I laughed and returned to showering.

I finally was done with my shower and wrapped my hair and body up in a towel. I walked into Jaysons room to get ready and he was just sitting on his bed playing a video game.

"Go take a shower hurry up" i said to him. He looked up from his video game at me and his eyes raked over my body. I started blushing hard. "You take forever to shower" he said getting up and walking past me.

I headed towards my bag with clothes and pulled out my Victoria secret underwear and bra, some light blue ripped jeans, my Tommy Hilfiger jacket and my white converse.

I was in the middle of doing my make up when Jayson walked in with a red polo sweater black jeans, red Jordan's and his Gucci backpack on his shoulders.

I was in the middle of doing my make up when Jayson walked in with a red polo sweater black jeans, red Jordan's and his Gucci backpack on his shoulders

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"Yo hurry up we got to go" he said rushing me.

"Shut up I'm almost done" i said rolling my eyes. He sat on his bed waiting for me. I finished with my make up and grabbed my jans sport backpack.

We walked out the house and got into my car and headed towards Dunkin Donuts. We got there ordered our things and headed to school.

I parked my car and we both got out of my car and headed into school.

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