Chapter 11

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I woke up with my head laying on Jayson and his arm wrapped around my waist. I got up and threw on underwear and a bra.

I walked downstairs into my kitchen and grabbed some bacon eggs and sausage out of the fridge. I grabbed some pancake mix and started whippin up some breakfast.

I started cooking the eggs when I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Morning beautiful" jay said kissing my cheek.
I turned around in his arms and threw my hands around his neck.

He leaned down and pressed our lips together. It started getting heated and he pushed me up on the counter.

 It started getting heated and he pushed me up on the counter

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We continued to make out until I smelt a burning smell. "Shit the food" I screamed pushing Jayson off of me. He just laughed while I tried to get the food off the stove. "I hate you so much I was trying to cook us breakfast". He pulled me back into his arms "let's just go back to bed".

I looked up into his eyes "No I wanna go to the beach" I smiled. He raised his eyebrows "Today?" he asked. I nodded. "Fine go get dressed" he said. I smiled big at him "thank you bub" I kissed him again.

I ran upstairs and changed into my black bikini. And packed my bag with extra clothes in it.

I walked downstairs with my stuff seeing Jayson there eating a piece of bacon that wasn't burnt. "Let's go we'll go to your house and get your stuff you wanna invite the others?" I asked. He nodded "sure".

We got into the car and Jayson began driving while I texted in our group chat.

Little Hoes 😈
Haley 😋: beach today?

Anya🍆: oooh yes bitch I'm down

Sirna🧡: fuck you hoe you just woke me up 🖕🏼

Will😎: oh yes need to get me some baddies

Anya🍆: will shut up you get no pussy

Haley😋: 😬 bitched em

Kai🌚: I'm down

Anya🍆: hi baby 💦

Lucas🙃: get a room

Sirna🧡: Lmfao 🤭

Xavier🎤: yes sir I'm down 💪🏽

Haley😋: okay we'll meet at Jaysons house in 20 I have some news to share btw

Will😎: YOUR PREGNANT? 👀😯 I'm gonna be an uncle! I call being the god father fuck you Lucas and kai 🤪

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