Chapter 8

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*A week later*
I woke up to my phone ringing i turned over from Jaysons arms and grabbed my phone to see who was calling me which was my mom . I answered the call.

Me: Hello?

Mom: Honey we are home where are you its 5 in the morning.

Me: Im at Jayson's house

Mom: Why are you there and not at home where i expected you to be.

Me: Mom, Jayson didn't want me to be alone in the house

Mom: Thats no excuse not to be here come home now.

Me: No ill go home after school.

i didn't let her reply and hung up. "Who was that" Jayson said re- wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed and curled my arm around his "my mom they're back from their business meeting but who knows for how long cause they always leave me".

He turned me over to face him he put a hand on my face and i leaned into his hand. "Hey I'm never gonna leave you okay I'm always gonna be here no matter what". I nodded and smiled at him.

"Come on lets get up and get ready for school today is a big day later on" he said patting me on the forehead and rolling out of bed.

Today was the final playoff game that determines if they go to states or not so this is a big deal for him. He went inside the bathroom and i started to get ready and i threw on an outfit and started doing my makeup

 He went inside the bathroom and i started to get ready and i threw on an outfit and started doing my makeup

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While in the middle of doing my makeup i got a text message from Brandon.

B💪🏽💙: I sent your music to my guy he said he'll get back to me asap

Me: thank you so much Brandon i can't thank you enough

B💪🏽💙: No problem ma, just remember when you become big and famous don't forgot who helped you 😂

Me: 😂 i won't B, i won't

Just then Jayson walked into the room looking mad fine.

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You're Mine | Jayson TatumWhere stories live. Discover now