Chapter 9

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This upcoming week was big for Jayson and I. On Friday is the talent show which I'll be performing with Xavier for our new song love galore and On Saturday is states for Jayson.

It was a gloomy Monday while i was in Calculus doodling in my notebook and not paying attention to what the teacher was saying until my phone started vibrating like crazy.

I pulled out my phone to check it and it was full of Instagram notifications. I checked Instagram and realized i gained 3,000 followers and i don't know why. My 2k followers went up to 5k. I had no idea what was going on until i got a text message.

B💪🏼💙: MA! my guy released your song and it has over 10,000 views already 👏🏼👏🏼 you gonna be famous 😋

I quickly went to YouTube and typed in my name and there behold is my single i gave Brandon on the internet for everyone to listen to and has over 10,000 views in just one day!

Me: Omg B thank you sooo much i couldn't do this without you 😢 next time i see you imma give you the biggest hug ever 💙

B💪🏼💙: no problem ma you ever need anything I'm here 💛

Me: Thank B i appreciate it ❣️

The views on YouTube kept going up and i was getting very excited i needed to tell Jayson. The class bell rung and i bolted out of class.

As i was sprinting down the hallway i bumped into someone almost making me fall until they caught me. I looked up and saw Anthony's ass. "Get your hands off of me" i said pushing his hands off my waist. "I could've just let you fall" he shrugged his shoulders.

"I would've rathered that" i replied rolling my eyes. "Oh come on Haley don't be like that you know you miss me" he smirked. "Yeah i definitely do, i love getting cheated on dumbass" i rolled my eyes again. He was about to reply back when a body stood in front of me. Jayson.

"The fuck i tell you about talking to her again" Jayson said angrily. Anthony raised his hands and walked away. Jayson was still looking at Anthony. I turned him around and placed my hands on his face "I'm okay". He nodded and wraps his arm around my shoulder and began walking down the hallway.

"Omg come on i have to show you something" i said pulling him into the library preparing to skip our next class. I pulled him and sat him down on one of the couches in there. He just looked up with me with his brown eyes while i was standing up.

"What do you need to show me" he asked. I pulled out my phone and went to YouTube clicked on my video and gave him my phone.
He started listening and his eyes got bigger once he realized this is me "Omg baby girl you posted it". "I didn't it has 10,000 views on here and 5,000 downloads on iTunes" i smiled.

He just smiled and picked me up and started spinning me around i started laughing. "Ssssh" the librarian yelled at us. Jayson put me down on my feet and we both looked at each other and laughed.

"You wanna get outta here and get some food" he asked. I nodded "definitely". So we headed out to eat and got some five guys it's are favorite place to go.

We ordered our food and sat down at a table. "So who posted it if you didn't" jay asked. "Remember when we went to Duke". He nodded. "So when i went out and explored i met Brandon Ingram and we became friends and we were talking about music and i sent him my song and he gave it to one of his guys and his guy released it" i said.

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