Chapter 4

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I was sitting on the roof of my car waiting for Jayson to stop talking to his basketball buddies and get in my car so we can go home.

After about 10 minutes he finally walked over to me. And i glared at him. "What are you giving me that face for" he asked.

"You had me waiting here forever i wanna go home and take a nap before your game" i rolled my eyes.

He laughed getting into my car. I hopped in and started driving to Jaysons house.

We got there and walked into his house. "Hi Jay hi Haley" Brandi smiled. "Hey ma" Jayson said kissing his mom on the cheek. "Hi Brandi" i said hugging her.

We headed up to his room and changed into a pair of shorts and one of Jaysons shirt before hopping in his bed and beginning my nap.

About around 5 o'clock Jayson started shaking me to wake me up. "Come on cupcake we gotta go soon".

I rolled over and groaned and got out of bed. I threw on a shirt with Jaysons number on it, blue jeans, my uggs and threw my hair in a bun.

We walked downstairs and headed to my car. We didn't go with his mom because he had to be there earlier to watch the jv game. We got into my car and i began driving.

Me being me i decided to stop at McDonald's and get some chicken nuggets fries and a milkshake.

We finally got to the school and we walked into the gym. Jayson headed to the locker room to get changed. I saw Sirna, Anya, Kai, and Lucas all sitting in a group so i headed over to them.

I sat next to Sirna and began talking about regular things. Jayson walked out of the locker room looked at me and nodded in his direction.

I got up and walked over to him. "Yes bubs?" I questioned him. He started jumping up and down "I'm so nervous cupcake this is a big game this determines if we go in playoffs".

I grabbed his face to make him stop being so nervous "look at me". He stopped looking around and looked straight into my eyes.

"Listen to me you gonna be good alright pretend this is just another regular game and you'll do fine if you not doing good as you think you should be doing find me at half time and i can give you another pep talk okay? But i know you got this Bubs states are yours this year and no one else's you know that right". He nodded.

"Good now go out their and kick some ass" i said kissing his forehead.

He smiled at me and joined his team

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He smiled at me and joined his team. I walked my way over back over to my group of friends.
"What was that" Sirna smirked. "Just giving a pep talk to my best friend" i rolled my eyes. "Mhm sure honey" anya laughed. I laughed along with her "you guys are annoying".

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