Chapter 7

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College. The one thing that makes or breaks you. I was currently on a plane with Jayson to go visit his top college pick which was Duke University. I didn't know why Jayson wanted me to come but i guess i didn't really mind.

"Are you sure you wanted to come" Jayson looked down at me. "I mean i kinda can't turn back now I'm in the sky" i laughed. He laughed and laid his head on mine. I fell asleep through the whole plane ride.

I woke up being shook by Jayson. "Come on princess, we're here". I stretched and raised my self out of my seat. We got into the airport and grabbed our bags and started heading towards the hotel room coach K rented out for Jayson.

We got into the hotel room and i jumped into the bed and laid down face first on the pillow. Jay laughed and came over and sat on my back. "Ugh Jay get off of me" i said. He laughed and laid on my back. His face was right next to mine and i looked at him. " you know your annoying right". He smiled and kissed me all over my face. I just laughed trying to push him away.

Now i realize why a lot of people think him and I are a couple we basically act like it we just don't kiss. We do everything couples do we just don't kiss. I know he's my best friend and everything but if he was willing to take that next step then so was I.

"I got a meeting with coach K so I'll be back later go out and explore but if anything happens you call me right away okay". "Okay" i replied. "Be safe" he kissed my cheek and walked out the door. I changed my out of my outfit and put a new outfit on a walked out of the door.

 I started walking towards Duke University to check out the attractions they have around there

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I started walking towards Duke University to check out the attractions they have around there. If Jayson picked this school i wouldn't blame him it's beautiful. I walked into there cafeteria to get some food. "Hey there your looking kinda lost" someone said beside me. I turned around and saw Brandon Ingram standing there.

"Omg your Brandon Ingram" i said loudly

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"Omg your Brandon Ingram" i said loudly. "In the flesh" he smiled. "I'm a big fan" i said quietly fan girling inside. "You look lost do you go here?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "No I'm here because my best friend got a scholarship here for basketball and he wanted to check out the school" i replied. He rubbed his hand over his hair "Ah i see what's your friends name". "Jayson Tatum".

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