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~ So they get to the house and sit on the couch. Ray next to Nay and Milla next to Roc. They talk about a bunch of random things until they start arguing about colors~

Roc: Im telling yall blue is better then purple.

Milla: Is not. Purple is the bomb

Nay: Im with Milla on that one... Purple is only for bosses... I can see why you dont like it

Ray: Blue don't got nothing on purple

Roc: Yall just haters

Nay: Dont get me wrong I love the color blue and I love green... But purple always come first

Roc: Hater

Nay: At least I dont like Milla

Roc: What?? *blushes* I don't like her

Milla: Oh well I like you

*Everyone looking at her with a blank face*

Milla: Yeah I said it I like Roc

Roc: *smiles* I like you too

Nay: Ewww can yall just move on from the gushy talk and just kiss and be bf and gf

Roc: I would say stfu but im with her *kisses Milla*

Milla: *kisses back*

Nay: Ooooh once again the day is saved thanks too... The powerpuff girls

Ray: Have you eaten today babe?

Nay: Nope why you ask?

Ray: *mumbles* Cuz your acting like a crazy bitch

Nay: what?

Ray: I said ummm I want to watch lilo and stitch

Nay: mhm

  * all of a sudden Nay gets a call *


Nay: *picks up* Hello

Doctor: Hi is this Quanasia?

Nay: Yeah this is her who is speaking?

Doctor: this is Doctor Phillup of Universry hospital and we are here to tell you that your mom is dying

Nay: What???

Doctor: Yeah... Do you want to speak to her?

Nay: no..... i want to hear you blabber about your love life! OF COURSE I WANT TO TALK TO MY MOMMY

Doctor: well shit *gives her mom the phone*

NM ( Nays Mom) 

Nm: Hey princess

Nay: Mom what kind of sick joke is this? I mean you are punking me right?

Nm: No baby i got stabbed in a drive by. they threw the knife and it hit me in the heart arrea

Nay: Mom no

Nm: stay strong baby.. * coughs* 

Nay; what kind of knife was it?

Nm: Idk it was big and curved. 

Nay: Mom... you cant be dying.. im only seventeen.. I still need you

Nm: I know baby but you cant rewind time... * coughs* I want you to know... that i love you with all my heart and that you will grow up to be a big success.

Nay: * tears come rolling down my eyes* mom

Nm: Goodbye sweetheart 

                                                                         Nays P.O.V

 After that everything was silent but the phone was not hanged up. She's gone. Nothing i could do. Nothing i can say. All i can do was cry. And so i did. Ray tired to hug me but i just pushed him away and ran to my room. i locked it while jumping on my bed to scream "mom" in my pillow. My life was over. Who would be so sick and cruel. I swear whoever did this is going to die. suffer the pain my mom did. And thats a sure promise.

                                                                        ~End of P.O.V~

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