Worst Day Ever

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                   Nay's P.O.V

It is now morning and im am the only one up. So I roamed London's house. I walk pass twist and jumped over diggy, since everyone wanted to spend the night. I peeked in the guest room and saw a guitar. I smiled and picked it up as I began to play it. I played all of me by John Ledgen. You know I had to sing a little.

                   End of P.O.V

Nay: *sings* What would I do without your smart mouth. Driving me in and u kicking me out. Got my head spinning no kidding I cant bring you down. what's going on in that beautiful mind im in your magical mystery ride and im so dizzy dont know what hit me but I'll be alright.

Ray: *wakes up*  What is that sound? Guys wake up *wakes up everyone*

London: ugghh what nigga you can't go waking up a pregnant woman.

Diggy: you fucking asshole

Ray: If yall shut the fuck up and listen yall will know why I woke yall up

Everyone: * listening* who is singing?

London: that's just Nay

Diggy: she sound great

Ciara: Amazing

Ray: Why didnt she tell us she could sing?

London: I don't know

  * they all go to the room to watch Nay through the door*

Nay: * finishes the story and puts the guitar back where it was*

Everyone but Nay: *claps*

Nay: Ahhhh yall can't go scaring a black person like that what the fuck is wrong with yall?

Ray: Well excuuuusseee us for trying to tell you that you sing perfectly.

Nay: awwe I do?

Diggy: Hell yeah

Ciara: Hey can you dance?

Nay: Yes

Ciara: Can you come preform with me on my tour next week?

Nay: OH MY GOD HELL YEAH... I mean... yeah its whatever

Ciara: Yaaasss fuck it up

Ray: My baby talented

Nay: I know right.

Ray: * kisses her*

London: ewww get a room

Nay: says the person that was fucking in my room and got pregnant

Prince: hush up Nay *playfully pushes her*

Nay: *smiles* so.... I decided that im not going to quit

Everyone: YAAAAYYY

Nay: Yeah I love yall too much to let yall be in that much danger

Roc: awwww we love you too

London: Yeah... now can I go to sleep? I pregnant women sleepy up in this bitch

Nay: Go... just go the fuck to sleep with yo over emotional ass

London: otay *falls out*

Ray: She didn't mean... nvm fuck it let her sleep im going to the store

Nay: bring me back some skittles

Ray: Ite sexy. *walks to the store*

        ~ after that everyone just goes back downstairs. Well exept for London. she stayed on the floor, snoring away sleeping~

               ONE HOUR LATER

Nay: im going to go check on london

Prince: okay

Nay: *walks upstairs to the guest room and looks at london still on the floor* Wow im surprised she didn't notice yet * picks her up and puts her on the bed then walks away to the bathroom* I wonder where ray is.. * gets a text* oooh that might be him *opens my messanger and sees a picture* .... AGAIN REALLY UGH! * breaks the bathroom mirror* I HATE HIM

Everyone: * burst in the door* Nay why are you screaming*

Nay: I FUCKING HATE MY LIFE *picks up a peice of glass and cuts my arm*

Prince: NAY! *taking it away* WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU?

Nay: Its not what gotten into me it's what gotten into Roxy...  * showes them the picture*.... R.. ra..Ray cheated on me with Roxy *starts crying*

Roc: oh.... Nay don't cry *starts tearing up, hugging her*

                   Nay's P.O.V

After Roc hugged me everyone just joined in. How could he do this to me... It's only been one day since we been together and he goes and fucks roxy.I was really stupid to think that he really loved me. Once again im fooled. Once again im hurt. Once again I hate. I mean... I was in love with him. My eyes turned pink and everything. Now I guess it's just false love. I hate Ray. I HATE HIM! And I really mean it. Now nothing can change that or keep me from quitting.

                 END OF P.O.V

Nay: umm guys I really love yall for trying to make me feel better but I have to leave...

Twist: why?

Nay: Reasons... I promise I'll call yall later

Roc: Okay feel better

Nay: I'll try *walks out the door and goes to my house*

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