Ciara's Show

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Nay: *wakes up* morning Ray

Ray: *sleeping*

Nay: Hehe aww he's so cute when he sleep *walks out to the guest room to see if Milla's awake* Hey u up *whispers*

Milla: Yeah girl just texting Roc

Nay: Oh what yall talking about

Milla: Come in and look

Nay: *walks and and sits on the bed looking*

Milla: He said that he wants to sext later

Nay: Eww *gets a text* Oh yeah I forgot that we suppose to chill with Lexi and Gift today tp catch up

Milla: Truuu we should match

Nay: Yaasss twinnies

Milla: We should take london so we can be triplets

Nay: She would problably wanna stay with prin *gco by a text*

London: Aye what yall doing today I wanna come

Nay: I stand corrected *texts london back* Wear those shorts that you have just like mines and some jordans with a shirt so we can match and meet me at the roller rink in an hour

London: Ite

Milla: YAAAY.. now lets shower

~ Milla and Nay take their showers and put on . The yellow outfit is Nays and the pink is Milla's. London wears the red outfit. Nay puts her belly ring in and they do their makeup. It takes 45 mins. Nay and Milla meet up with London, Lexi and Gift and this other random guy~

Nay: Hey yall wassup?

Lexi: Nothing much oh and this is our friend Carlos he's Puerto Rican

Nay, Milla and London: *looks* HOLY SHIT HE FINE!

Gift: Dont yall have boyfriends?

Nay: Yeah but shit you cant bring a sexy ass dude here and then expect us not to give him props

Carlos: Yall look cute with the shorts on and stuff   *winks at Milla*

London: Let me stop staring im pregnant

Nay: We know looks like you swallowed a watermelon

Lexi: She said it not me... but I agree

Gift: *hits lexi in the arm* Stop being rude

Lexi: *high pitch voice* BITCH! SUCK MY INVISIBLE DICK

Milla: I'm sooo hu.. *gco*

Everyone but Milla and Carlos: YOUR ALWAYS HUNGRY

Carlos: Don't feel bad I am too. Especially for fried chicken

Nay: Oh lawd we have a Camilla jr. How old are you Camilla jr?

Carlos: *laughs* Im 16

London: Aww so is Milla... if she didn't have Roc I would recommend you

Nay: True your sexy as shit!

Lexi: Stop hitting on our friend

Gift: Yeah It's creepy

Nay: My bad... anyways yall wanna go to IHop?

All: Hell yeah

~They go to ihop to talk, chill and eat. Everyone gets to know eachother a little more. All of a sudden Nay gets a text.. From Ciara~

Ciara: Hope you ready for rhe concert today it starts at 8 thanks again for opening for me

Nay: SHIT!

Milla: What?

Nay: I forgot I had to open up for Ciara concert tonight and I have no idea what to do

All exept for Nay: Ciara concert! Lucky if I opened I would be siked

Nay: Wait.. I have a wacky idea.. Lexi do you and Milla still remember that dance we did to Twerk it by Busta Rhymes?

Milla and Lexi: Hell yeah

Nay: Teach it to London. Gift do you know the song Pills and Potions by Nicki Minaj?

Gift: Yeah

Nay: Good your singing with me and Carlos can you dance

Carlos: Yeah....

Nay: Good cuz your gonna have a solo dance performance. NOW WE HAVE A SHOW

Everyone: Oh Hell Yeah! Lets get to work

     ~ They all go to Nay house to get to work. Carlos decides to dance to the song " take you down" By Chris Brown. Nay and Gift are singing and Lexi and Milla teach london the dance. ~

                    8:00 At Night

Ciara: Hey yall ready

Nay: Yeah Carlos is up first

Carlos: What?

Milla: Common Carlos Yolo *winks at him*

Carlos: Fine * he takes his shirt off and goes to the crowd and starts dancing*

Lexi: You have to admit his moves are amazing

Nay: Mhm

* 5 mins later Carlos comes back all sweaty*


Carlos: Your turn ma

Nay: Common Gift *walks on the stage and starts the song*

London: *raps along* Ayo they can never make me hate you

Lexi: Even tho what you was doing wasn't tasteful

* 5 mins later they come back smiling*  Nay: That was Awesome! !

Lexi: Okay Nay we next We want you to dance with us

Nay: Okay gift you wanna join?

Gift: I cant dance.. thats why im only in vocal classes

Lexi: Oh yeah...

~ Nay, Lexi, London and Milla walk out to the stage and start dancing. At the end of the song they walk to the back stage, Ciara thanks us and she starts her show. ~

Carlos: That was so much fun... and who knew yall could twerk like that. Ass so fat

Nay: *laughs* Who knew you could grind like that Carlos... London stop pissing on the floor thats nasty



Carlos: *faints*

Nay: *laughs* Im sorry but that was hilarious how he fainted and OMG!!

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