Pretty Cool Day

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                                                                                   Ray's P.O.V

My baby been in a coma for a month. Im worried. What if she don't wake her up? What if she dies? I can't take it! I hope she wakes up today. Im going to chill with London, Roc, Milla and Prince today. that will take my mind off of Nay.

                                                                               Nay's P.O.V

So i wake up in the hospital.... No surprise i don't see milla. She hates hospitals. There's someone in that chair though, it looks like..... OH FUCK NOT PROD! wait... he seems diffrent. He has his head on the table quietly sobbing. Maybe he's not here to hurt me.

                                                                               End of P.O.V

Nay: *puts my hand on his shoulder* Hey no crying Prod

Prod: *lifts his head up* Nay??

Nay: Hi *smiles*

Prod: * tries to smile back* Hey nice to see your awake

Nay: Yeah its nice to be awake.. How long was i out?

Prod: A month


Prod: Yeah..

Nay: Well it's nice to see that your here to see little old me

Prod: Yeah it's nice to see you

Doctor: * walks in* Oh hey your awake

Nay: Yeah.. can i go home today?

Doctor: Yeah your all healed up just sign here

Nay: *signs* Thanks

Prod: I can take you home if you want

Nay: Yeah i would like that

Prod: Well lets go..

~ They get in the car and drive to Nay's house~

                                                         ~ WITH LONDON AND THEM~

London: Im hungry

Milla: Me too

Roc: Lets go out to eat then

Ray: Taco Bell?

All: NO!

Ray: Well shit fine then what about chicken shack?

Milla: now you talking lets go

                                                   ~They go to the chicken shack~

Milla: *stuffing her face* mmm this some good chicken 

Roc: * looks at milla with a confused face* Pig

London: Damn Camilla

Ray: Eating like a man

Milla: i will stab yall niggas.. then hug  yall and say i love yall

All: o.o *silent*

                                                         ~WITH PROD AND NAY~

Nay: We're here.. Thanks

Prod: Your welcome

Nay: * gets out and walks away*

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