5: The Truth About My Father

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 I ran up to my apartment door.

 I pounded on it.

 Knock! Knock!

 My mom opened it.

 "Serenity, did they let you out a little too early?" she asked as I entered the living room.

 My mom works at Macy's.

 Apparently, I was lucky since I just realized today was her day off, other wise I'd be storming over to New York East Mall, demanding that I'd see my mom.

 "There was a robbery at Claire's," I told her.

 "My goodness! Were you hurt?"

 I shook my head.

 "No, but I met my man."

 "The guy who saved you?"


 "Well, that's good."

 "Only what's not good is that I picked up his bow and arrow and shoot someone."


 So I told her the whole story of the robbery and the people that came to stop it.

 My mom's eyes widen as I told her.

 "So, no one but you could shoot an arrow from Hawkeye's bow?" Mom asked.

 I nodded.

 "Yeah, I was the only one who could do that."

 My mom sighed. "I knew this was coming," she muttered.

 "What?" I snapped.

 My mom shook her head.

 "Of course, you know that your father was an expert in archery," she said. "Only you don't know the rest of his story."


 "Sit down," she said, patting the couch.

 I sat down.

 She went to sit down on the other couch.

 She cleared her throat and began:

 "Your father was known as Ethaniel Lewis. He was a kind man. He loved his archery skills.

 So one day, he decided he wanted more. He became the Archer. The Archer's mission was to protect New York. He would stop mostly robberies. Everyone loved the Archer. His bow was legendary. His arrows were unique. Everything about him was fantastic.

 It was true that at NYU I met him. He was taking some archery classes to improve his skills. We accidentally bumped into each other. When we both grabbed a piece of paper that I recently dropped, we looked up into each other's eyes and smiled. It was love.

 I didn't know he was the Archer back then until later when we were still dating, he confessed to me that he was the Archer. I was appalled. I didn't know if I was ready to continue dating a superhero. Only I took the chance.

 We later got married. I owned my own little fashion shop and sold some of my products. While I worked at my shop, your father was doing his job as the Archer.

 Then one day, a villain by the name of Sharp Shooter threaten to hurt the ones your father loved. Your father knew that this was impossible. Sharp Shooter didn't know the ones he loved but some people knew that he was smitten with me.

 So your father relinquished his crown and ran off. He didn't want to see his family hurt.

 Sharp Shooter was later caught by the police and arrested.

 I was scared that day when I saw him left me. He came to our apartment to see me one last time and tell me that he was done being superhero. Besides, Sharp Shooter threaten him of hurting his loved ones. Even if Sharp Shooter was gone, he might come back and hurt me just to get back at the Archer. Your father also knew that one day the hero inside him might rise again. Of course, I was pregnant with you at that time. I could picture your father's beautiful face and smile when he stared at my stomach.

 His last words to me were "take care of our child."

 Then he left me.

 I was stuck at work, doing my business and taking care of you.

 I decided to close it down and focus on you. That's when I started working at Macy's.

 My friend, Michelle, would watch over you while I worked.

 And to this day, I don't know where your father is still."

 I gasped.

 "So, basically...he's still out there? Doing his archery?"

 "I would say so. He's probably thinking about us, what were doing."

 My mother sighed some more.

 "I should show you something. Wait here."

 My mom got up.

 She came returned with a bow and quiver of arrows.

 "Your father wanted me to give up this when the time came right. I think this is the time now. It was your father's."

 I gulped.

 I'm just seeing my own father's bow and arrows.

 I shook my head.

 "You're kidding, right?"

 My mom shook her head.

 "Your father knew that one day, you'll carries these and carry out his legacy."

 I shook my head once more.

 "You're joking. I mean, I know I have my father's skills but I'm not really good."

 "Maybe Hawkeye can teach you. You can still take archery classes if you want to. Only you can always go up to Hawkeye and ask him how he does it."

 I growled.

 I took the bow and quiver away from my mom.

 "Thanks, Mom."

 I ran to my room.

 I dropped the bow and quiver on my bed.

 I stared myself at the mirror.

 Was I really the daughter of a superhero? Was that really my reflection?

 I sighed.

 I decided that I would go to Nightline with my friends to enjoy my last day of being a regular human before turning into the daughter of a superhero.

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