Chapter 5

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Kaiden's POV

I'm sleeping and shit all I hear is someone yelling my name.

"Kaiden wake up" my sister yelled from downstairs

"Fuck" I mumbled

I got up and put on my ball shorts Asia was still sleeping. I walked downstairs and my sister Kaizha was here with her daughter Kara. I walked into the living room where my sister was sitting

"Damn Kaizha why you here so early" I asked as I sat down

"Early nigga it's almost 1:00 p.m" she said as she kissed her teeth

"You ain't gonna say hi to your uncle" I asked kara

"Hi uncle Kaiden" she said as she walked over and sat on my lap

"Was your last report card good" I asked as I looked at her

"Yes I got A's and B's" she said as she put out her hand

I reached in my pocket and gave her $100 I made a promise to her if she got a good report card I would give her money so that's what I did.

"Where's Tayo And Shamar" my sister asked referring to my friends

"Ion even know ima call me and tell em to come over here cause we gotta talk some business anyways" I said as I licks my lips and picked up my phone

"Tell Tayo to bring Taliyah" she said as she was on her phone while chewing bubble gum

I called my nigga's and told them to come over so we can talk.

Asia's POV

I'm just waking up I went to my room and went into my washroom I brushed my teeth and washed my face I also got into the shower and when I got out I put on a black hoodie and some compression shorts with a thick knitted headband. I then tied my hair into a high curly pony tail and grabbed my phone. I walked downstairs slowly I heard chatter when I got to the squeaky step it drew all the attention on me it was Kaiden's sister I think cause she looked just like him she was pretty And there was a little girl who looked to be about 7 or 8. There was also another girl and two boys I just walked to the living room and sat next to Kaiden it was hella awkward

"Who's she" Kaiden's sister asked referring to me

"Taliyah and Kaizha this Asia" Kaiden said I just waved and so did they

"Tayo And Shamar y'all know Asia already" Kaiden said as he smirked

The two boys just chuckled. I had a confused look on my face

"What about me uncle Kaiden" the little girl said as she crossed her arms and stared at Kaiden with attitude

"This is Kara my niece" he said as he pointed to her

"Hi Kara" I said as I smiled at her

She smiled back and waved. I leaned my head on Kaiden's shoulder

"When did they get here" I whispered so only we could here

but everyone else didn't know because they were in there phones and Kara's was watching the proud family with the Tv on like 55

"Like 1 hour ago" he whispered back

"And What you talking about I don't know those two boys" I whispered

"They the ones who brought you here" he whispered again

"Oh" I said mugging them

"Ima be back I gotta talk some business with them" he whispered as he looked at me

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