Chapter 16

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*1 months later*
(Ayla Kaylynn Johnson) in mm

Asia's POV

"One more push on three 1...2...3" the doctor said I pushed as hard as I could squeezing Kaiden and Mama Lynn's hand

"Amazing job" the doctor said as she laid Ayla on the changing table she wiped her down and wrapped her up

I sighed of relief I was crying and my body   Was in so much pain Kaiden kissed my forehead then sat down. I laid on the hospital bed I was so tired and just wanted to sleep the doctor walked over and handed me the baby.

"Well she is a premie but she is 5 pounds and 8 ounces she's over 4 pounds witch means she's able to go home but not until tomorrow before you leave you will both half to sign the birth certificate and you will need a car seat" the doctor said smiling at me "I will be back in 15 minutes to take her" she then walked out

I kissed her forehead everyone came in by everyone I mean Taliyah, Kaizha, Kara, Kaleb, Shamar and Tayo everyone looked at her Taliyah and Kaizha held her of course.

*the next day*

I was just waking up in the hospital bed today is the day I could leave I'm super nervous but I have a responsibility to take care of Kaiden slept over at the hospital with me while Kaleb went with mama Lynn.

"Th doctor just left she said she is going to be back in 20 minutes make sure your dressed she's gonna show you how to bath her" Kaiden said as he kissed me

I shook my head and brushed my teeth I then slipped on a Nike navy blue jogging suit some huaraches I put my hair in a bun I then waited for the doctor she came in with and I followed her to a room where other babies were she showed me how to bathe her it was so gentle and she looked so fragile. When she was done she let me dress her witch I just put on a white long sleeve t-shirt with some cheetah print tights some UGG boots and a white hat with a brown puff. I picked her up gently and we walked back to the room Kaiden took her and put her in the car seat he then picked up the car seat and we walked to the front desk. We signed the birth certificate and that was that. I just wanted to go home take a shower and sleep.

"Baby can we stop at McDonald's I want a smoothie and a junior chicken please" I asked closing my eyes

"Yeah" he said I got in the passenger seat and he put the car seat in the back seat buckling it up

After he got in the car we stopped at mama Lynn's house so aunt Janay can see the baby also to get Kaleb. When we got in the house Kaiden put the car seat in front of me and I took Ayla out I then handed her to aunt Janay gently

"Aww she so cute she looks just like her father" aunt Janay said puckering her lips

I rolled my eyes everyone saying that Kaycee then came downstairs with her friend Lexi. Lexi waved at me I waved back

"Aww she's so cute and small" Lexi said getting all excited

"Thanks" I said I then sat on Kaiden's lap and buried my head in his chest

Kaleb came running downstairs

"Hey daddy hi Asia" he said hugging me and Kaiden

"Hey baby I missed you" I said kissing his cheek

"Is that Ayla" he asked I shook my head

He walked over to aunt Janay who was still holding her he kissed her cheek and then just stared

"She looks like me and daddy but she has Asia's curly hair" Kaleb said smiling "auntie Kaycee look"

"I know I see" she said all in her phone she makes me so mad "Kaiden can I come over today" Kaycee asked

"You gonna be respectful" he asked being straight up

She shook her head looking at me

"Well then ya we leaving soon so pack up" he said as he kissed me

She got up and went upstairs aunt Janay handed Ayla to me and i put her into the car seat she started making little noises she prolly hungry. Ugh I'll just feed her a quick bottle I grabbed the similar and a bottle I then heated some kettle water up not to the full make only for like 30 seconds I then made the bottle and let it cool well it was cooling I put on her bib and then I started to need her.

"You look like a pro doing this" Kaycee said as she looked at me

I shook my head

"Did you dress her she looks cute" Kaycee asked everyone was looking confused cause she was actually talking to me

"Yes thanks" I said smiling

After she was done her bottle I put her in the car seat and strapped her up Kaiden then hugged everyone and so did I Kaycee helped Kaleb get in the car well Kaiden put in Ayla I just sat in the passenger seat. We pulled off to McDonald's and everyone got something to eat music was playing in the car and Kaiden was jamming to kills by chief keef. When we got to the house we all went inside Kaiden was bringing the car seat upstairs and I changed Ayla into a onesie with some fuzzy Socks she was hella tired so I brung the basinet into our room and I put her in it she fell right asleep. I then turned on the baby monitor and went downstairs where everyone else was Kaleb was in his room playing 2k with Kaiden so it was just me and Kaycee

"Do you watch love and hip hop" I asked her cause that's what I was about to put on

"Yea also before you play it I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted towards you when we first met and I feel bad cause I was acting hella selfish and petty and you didn't do anything to me is just I kinda felt like me and my brother wouldn't be as close anymore because he had you and the baby in his life but now I feel like a bitch because of how I acted and I just wanna say sorry you don't half to forgive me but... ya" she said as she looked at me

"Thanks I do forgive you and I didn't mean to make you feel like I was gonna take your place me and Kaiden's relationship is different from yours and his because y'all siblings and I can't come in between that but I appreciate the apology" I said as I smiled

Ayla started crying threw the monitor I was about to get up

"I got it" Kaycee said as she went upstairs

she brought Ayla down and then we watched love and hip hop the boys then came downstairs so we put on a movie witch was gridiron gang
(A//N:my favourite movie it's on Netflix y'all should watch it if you haven't before it's really good) after the movie was over Kaleb had fell asleep so Kaiden carried him to his bed well I brung Ayla upstairs and Kaycee went to the guest room. I put Ayla in the basinet and got in the shower. When I came out Kaiden went in. When Kaiden was down he laid on top of me and we fell asleep

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