Chapter 46

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*2 weeks later*

Asia's POV

I woke up and walked to my bathroom I brushed my teeth and washed my face just as I was about to get into the shower.

"Morning mommy, I want waffles" Ayla said as she ran in the room with the teddy bear Kaiden had bought her before he left

She sleeps with it all the time.

"Okay baby, is your brother up?" I asked her as I walked out my room with her trailing behind me

"Ion know" she said as she shrugged

I just headed to there rooms and they were both knocked out but they were getting up soon because Kaleb had school and Ayla and Kyrie have Daycare.

"Mommy, did daddy call yet?" Ayla asked as she sat on the couch

I sighed.

"No baby, hopefully he calls today" I replied

Kaiden hasn't called it's been two weeks he's pissed off at me about the whole Jamarcus thing I feel like he is over reacting. My phone had started to ring

"Is it Daddy?" Ayla asked as she jumped up on the couch excitedly

I looked at the name and it was Jay❤️

"No Ayla is Jay" I replied

She sighed "oh" she mumbled as she sat down


'Hey what you doing today'

'I'm just making the kids breakfast right now'

'Oh well I might come over later on if that's okay with you'

'Yea sure'

'So what's been going on'

'Well the kids are pretty upset because there dad hasn't called in two weeks and I know he has calls because he's been calling his mom and sister'

'Why ain't he calling he mad at you or something'

'Yes like I said Kaiden is a jealous person so apparently he doesn't want you around the kids and I said no your over reacting and he hasn't called ever since'

'Well if I'm causing problems in y'all relationship I don't want that so if he don't want me around his kids with all do respect I'm not going to be around them maybe once in a while but I'll respect his wishes'

'No it's okay Jay he's just extra'

'Nah because if I put myself in his shoes I wouldn't want another nigga around my kids for 3 years when I'm in the bin plus imagine if it was you and he had some girl around the kids I know you would feel some type of way'

'I guess but can you still come over today'

'Yeah but after that nah I'll FaceTime the kids sometimes but let him know I won't be around his kids anymore when he calls'

'Okay see ya soon'


He then hung up. I was really mad because I don't see Jamarcus as anything more then a bestFriend why can't Kaiden just understand that but oh well. I had made the waffle batter and then poured a bit into the waffle maker witch was pretty big so I made one each of them.

"Morning mommy" Kyrie said as he came down wiping his eyes

"Morning baby" I replied

I know for a fact he didn't brush his teeth so I picked him up and brung him upstairs I then brushed his teeth and cane back down. When I came down Ayla and Kaleb were watching some show. Kaleb has been down because Kaiden hasn't been called I hate to see my kids sad and it sucks that I can't help it today I'm going to visit Kaiden well the kids are gone.

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