Chapter 6

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*2 weeks later*

Asia's POV

I'm just walking downstairs after getting out the shower. I was going to make breakfast I was near the sink washing dishes when I felt to hands grabbed my waist I turned around and looked it was Kaiden of course for these past two weeks he's been really rude to me ever since that night I ain't wanna sleep with him. I'm sick and tired of him playing with my emotions he doesn't wanna have a relationship but he wants to play with me I'm not a damn video game. So I pushed him off of me with my elbow

"Kaiden back up" I said with an attitude

"Ayy ayy Who you getting rude with don't be disrespecting me and shit" he said as he looked at me with a straight face

I rolled my eyes and continued to wash the dishes as he ate.

"What you trying to do today" he asked me as he put his dish in the sink

"Nothing" I replied

I walked upstairs to my room and of course he followed

"Why you so grumpy" he questioned as he sat next to me on my bed

"I don't understand how you wanna not talk to me for two weeks but now all of a sudden you wanna talk to me" I said as I looked in my phone

A notification had came threw it was from Elijah the guy at the mall I've been talking to him and the guy from Best Buy a lot.

"Who's dat" Kaiden asked as he looked at my phone

I quickly moved it "Nun of ya business"

"You are my business now who is it" he questioned as he tried to grab my phone

I moved it away quickly but he still got it and he started reading our messages.

"Kaiden Pass my phone" I said getting irritated

"Who's Elijah" he asked

"My friend now Pass my stuff" I replied as I put out my hand

"Why you be talking to so much guys" he asked as he looked at me

"I only talk to 2 people and that's nun of your concern" I replied with an attitude

"Whatever man you trynna go to the club with me later" he questioned


Kaizha's POV

"Kara ima Tap that ass if you don't go clean up that god damn room" I yelled

She quickly ran upstairs and started to clean. Anyways today I'm going to my brothers grand opening at the club so Kara is going to my moms house. Once she came downstairs with her bags packed I quickly slicked her hair into a curly ponytail and then we walked outside to my car. We pulled up to my moms house in about 10 minutes I knocked on the door after getting out the car she opened it

"Hey baby" she said as she hugged me

"Hi mom" I replied hugging her back

"Hey gramma" Kara said with a big smile

"I missed you baby girl oh you getting so big" my mom said as she kissed Kara's cheek

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