Chapter 17

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*1 month later*

Asia's POV

"Ayla stop crying" I said getting irritated

she prolly hungry so I got up and went downstairs Kaiden was at the trap and me Kaleb and Ayla was here. I made her a bottle and gave it to her I was sitting down feeding her she soon spat out the bottle and started crying again I just put her pacifier in her mouth and rocked back and forth. I then started to smell something so I lifted her butt to my nose she had pooped so I walked upstairs got the wipes and a fresh diaper from her room I then wiped her booty and put on a fresh diaper I put back on her onesie and then I went into Kaleb's room

"Bitch pass the ball" he shouted as he almost broke the controller

"Kaleb Johnson watch your language" I said as I mushed his head

"Okay sorry" he replied not even looking at me

I then went downstairs and Ayla was starting to fall asleep so I laid her down in the playpen and I watched brotherly love. Kaiden came in the house a hour later all happy and shit all hype witch woke up Ayla

"WHO MISSED DADDY" he yelled all excited

Kaleb came running downstairs and jumped on him I walked over to him and punched him in the chest

"Now you done woke her up after I just put her to sleep ugh you better go put her back to sleep" I said walking to the kitchen

He picked her up as she was crying

"I know I know you missed your pops huh" he said kissing Ayla's forehead

"Whatever" I mumbled

"We gotta talk" he said motioning for me to go upstairs

Ayla was now sleeping Kaiden put her back to sleep and laid her in the basinet witch was in her room. We were in our room cause he said we half to talk about something

"So..." I said looking at him

"I gotta go on a business trip for a couple of days in NJ and then I gotta lift some heavy weight from NJ to NY so ima be home for like 1 week or 2" he said looking at me

"When" I asked sighing hella hard

"Tomorrow" he said looking at me

"What you mean tomorrow that's so soon why you ain't tell me this earlier" I mumbled all worried

"Because I've been busy and can't multitask so" he said as he got up and started to finish packing

"Whatever bye" I said as I walked into Kaleb's room today he was going by his grammas

"Kaleb get ready come on grab ya bag"
I said as I put Ayla in the car seat

"No hug no kiss" Kaiden asked looking down at me and I buckled Ayla up

"No" I mumbled trying to walk out the door

"Yo chill I literally be back in like 1 week" he said pulling me by my arm

"We'll see you in one week" I mumbled

He kissed me but I ain't kiss back. I put the car seat in the car and Kaleb got buckled in as well I then drove to mama Lynn's house. When I got there aunt Janay was there she's always there they be with each other for ever

"Hey y'all" I said waving as I walked in

Everyone said hi and then aunt Janay immediately took Ayla.

"Look at ya so cute looking like ya father" aunt Janay said kissing Ayla

I rolled my eyes I'm sick of here that.

*1 hour later*

Me and Ayla was just leaving mama Lynn's house and on our way to Kaizha's. When we got there I noticed a car in the drive way I knocked she opened it

"Hey bestie boo" I said hugging her

"Heyyy" she yelled hugging me back

"Is that my beautiful god baby" she said taking Ayla's car seat from me

We walked into the living room I seen Kara sitting on this guys lap

"Hey aunt Asia" she said hugging me

"Hey pretty girl how you been" I asked smiling

"I'm good can I hold Ayla" she questioned I shook my head

I waved to the unknown guy he waved at me he looks like Kara kind of he might be her deadbeat speed donor. I texted Kaizha

Who's that

Her father he's been convicted around for a couple of years but I be hiding it because Kaiden don't like him... because he wasn't in Kara's life until she was five and she's gonna be nine soon so

Ohh I figured that but your brothers outta town right now that dick head he told me the day he was leaving and he's gone for like 1 week or 2 he said


"Well ima be by next week maybe because I gotta handle some stuff" the guy said as he hugged Kara and gave her $50

Kaizha locked the door after he left.

*3 hours later*

I'm on my way home from fine taste I was hungry and I wanted some Chinese food. My phone started ringing it was Kaiden I declined it he called again and I declined it he continued to call and I declined all of them he had texted me

Answer your fucking phone🤨like wtf

He called one more time this time I picked it up

'Yes Kaiden'

'Fuck you mean 'yes Kaiden' why you ain't answer the first 10 times'

'Cause I'm driving and don't feel like talking'

'Well I just landed and I miss you already'


'I love you'


'You ain't gonna say it back'

'No cause your a dick head you tell me the day of that your leaving like what the fuck'

'I said I was sorry I ain't know I had to go for this long that's why I was planning on doing it quickly but only Shamar could come on the trip Tayo couldn't so we gotta take it slower'

'Well i just don't wanna be alone like ugh Kaleb is at your grammas and Ayla is spending the night with Kaizha'

'Aww my baby is all alone you scared huh'

'Yea but why couldn't I come with you'

'Because I'm lifting things to another city you know that I'm trying to expand my business the more places the more money and I don't let family and business come together so therefore you stay ya ass at home'

'Fine ughh'

'Ima call you tomorrow love you'

'Love you to'

He then hung up I ain't have nothing to do so I just put on a movie. I then got a text from Elijah

Can we go to the mall tomorrow to talk please just as friends I know you got ya nigga and all

I'll think about it...

Ima go I just gotta leave him thinking we just friends nothing more then that. I know if Kaiden finds out he'll kill me so ima just tell Elijah to come to my house instead of the mall.

Short update nothing big until I start getting more reads votes and comments👏🏽

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