Chapter 19

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*1 week later*    (Deshawn in mm❤️)

Kaiden's POV

I'm suppose to be still in New York but it was running smooth I'm in a good mood my ship to Mexico was a success and so was my two ware houses in New York. I just landed in Detroit I can't wait to get home. Me and Shamar was driving I was dropping him home so when I pulled up there I dapped him up. I then begun to drive home when I got home I did my dramatic entrance as usual

"WHO MISSED DADDY!" I yelled putting my arms up

Kaleb ran over to me and gave me a big hug And Asia was on the couch with Ayla. I immediately walked over to the two of them I took Ayla from Asia and I kissed her

"Hey princess you almost two months huh" I said as I kissed her forehead

She was smiling

"Wassup Baby you can't say hi" I asked as I put Ayla down into her chair that she watches tv in.

"Hey" she said all dryly

I walked over to her and picked her up sitting her in the counter I kissed her and she kissed back

"What's wrong" I asked as I looked at her

"Kaleb he kept swearing and he threw the controller at the wall because I told him he couldn't play unless he finished his food he wasn't listening" she mumbled

I was hella mad I walked upstairs and went in Kaleb's room where he was playing on the PlayStation

"Didn't Asia fucking tell you no PlayStation" I semi-yelled as I grabbed him by his shirt

"I don't care about what she said she's not my mom"he said shrugging as I had his shirt

"Listen here little boy DO YOU THINK YOUR A BIG MAN ILL FUCKING BEAT YOUR ASS AND I AIN'T PLAYING WITH YOU NOW WHEN SHE TELLS YIU TO FUCKING DO SOMETHING YOU DO IT AND IF I HERE YOU DON'T YOU'LL GET YA ASS BEAT NOW GO GET YA ASS READY FOR SCHOOL bout you don't wanna go I'll slap the shit outta you" I said as I drapped his lil ass up disrespecting me and Asia

He walked into the washroom and brushed his teeth he was only like 1 hour later it was 10 and his school started at 9:00 he's in Junior Kindergarten. When he was done getting ready I got him in the car and i drove to his school. When I got there he got a late slip and then one of the staff walked him to class I just drove back home. Asia was on the couch rocking Ayla putting her to sleep.

"I'm taking his PlayStation Xbox T.V and iPad" I said as I went upstairs and got all those things I hid them in my room.

I then begun to unpack I had half a suit case full of money it was $500,000 I hid that in Ayla's room under her crib there was this teddy bear and I felt like it was watching me but I just ignored it and continued to put the money under her crib.

Elijah's POV

"Look he's putting the money under the baby's crib so now we know where it is" I said as I looked at the camera that was in the teddy bear

"Well go whenever the house is empty so ima get someone to watch the house so we know when we can come and collect that shit" Jayez said smiling

Asia's POV

Recently I've been kinda down and busy I feel like Kaleb's gonna hate me and I don't want him to.

"Kaiden" I said as I walked into our room

"Yea wassup" he asked as he laid down

"Give him his stuff back he's gonna hate me if he comes home and there gone" I said as I sat in him

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