Chapter 34

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*2 weeks later*

Asia's POV

I woke up picking up Ayla she has a cold and she's very sick she's crying coughing and her nose is running it's stressing me out like crazy and Kaiden comes by about once a week to see the kids and to take Kaleb to his ball practices and games. He's not talking to me and I'm going crazy.

"Mom dads here" Kaleb said popping his head in the door

"Okay open the door" I said he then went downstairs

"Daddy" I heard Kaleb yell

"What's up lil man where's your sister" Kaiden asked

"she's upstairs she's sick really bad" Kaleb said

I then heard Kaiden and Kaleb coming upstairs once they got upstairs he walked in our room Ayla was laying in my arms sniffling.

"Daddy's baby's sick" Kaiden said taking Ayla away from me

"Dada" Ayla said trying to kiss Kaiden

He kissed her on her forehead she then cuddled up into his chest

"What type of medicine she need" he asked me

"I'm not sure I'm gonna bring her to the doctors to check" I said hella low

"Okay" he replied

"When is you gonna come home" I asked he shrugged

"When you stop hiding shit from me" he said as Ayla played with his beard

"I said I was sorry I'm not even on Birth control no more" I mumbled

"What the fuck ever" he said

"Can you just please come home now" I said I was gonna cry

"Listen I ain't trynna fucking argue right now Ight my daughter is here and my son is in the next room" Kaiden said getting up

I started crying I wiped my tears and took Ayla from him I then ran the tub and put her in a warm bathe

"No" she said reaching for Kaiden and crying "Dada" she said I just put her in the tub washing her down

I was trying my hardest to stop crying but I couldn't. When I was done bathing her I put on her pink adidas tracksuit with some white huaraches I the slicked her hair into two curly puffs and left the back out curly. Kaiden was just sitting on the bed waiting for me to be done

"Kaleb get dressed please" I yelled wiping my tears after handing Ayla to Kaiden

"I'm already dressed" he yelled back

I then got into the shower washing my hair and body. When I was done I walked out with a towel on Kaiden was just sitting on the bed looking at me. I took out some under wear and a bra and a hoodie and some leggings. After I got dressed I just left my hair out to air dry I then put Ayla in her car seat. Kaiden carried it out to his car and Kaleb got in the back I sat in the passenger seat and then we pulled off. When we got to the doctors she took us right away

"after using the thermometer and checking her heart beat and running some test she has a fever it should go away in about 1 week if you give her this every 6 hours" she said handing me a prescription

"Thank you" I said smiling

She nodded smiling back

We then walked out and got into the car we drove to the pharmacy and I got out the car I bought three pregnancy test and I got the prescription medicine. I bought the pregnancy tests because the day I was suppose to pick up my pills me and Kaiden had sex and I've been feeling a little sick I'm not sure if it's because of Ayla or it's because I'm pregnant when I got in the car I put the bag on the floor and we pulled off to the house Kaiden came inside surprisingly

"Daddy are you staying home tonight" Kaleb asked

He nodded

Thank Jesus

I then went upstairs and peed on all three of the tests and I changed into some PJs   I then hid the pregnancy tests and went downstairs And started dinner well I waited for the results I just made some spaghetti. Kaiden Kaleb and I was eating when I finished I out my dish in the sink I tried to give Ayla some but she's not eating so I just gave her her medicine. I then went upstairs pulling out the pregnancy test the results were all positive it said I was 4 weeks pregnant I went downstairs and handed Kaiden the pregnancy tests he looked at me confused and then looked at the results he smiled smirking at me I just rolled my eyes cause I swear he was jus mad at me. He got up and picked me up and sat me on the counter

"5 more to go" he said kissing my lips

"Pshh yea okay you thought you mean zero" I said rolling my eyes

"Whatever Baby" he said kissing my stomach

Nyla's POV

"Oh my gosh" I said outta breathe

Me and Shamar just finished having sex I was outta breathe and so was he I laid on top of him.

"I though you wasn't gonna give me none until we was official" he said smirking at me

I shrugged

"We was always official though baby" he said kissing me

I rolled my eyes I was just trying to catch my breathe.

"Shit I forgot to pull out" he said laughing

I punched his chest

"Not funny bring me to shoppers right now I need a plan b pill" I said

He went in the shower and came out i then went in the shower and came out. After that we got in the car and drove to shoppers purchasing a plan b pill. After that I took it and then we drove back home I went straight to bed and so did Shamar Zachariah was at my moms for the weekend

Asia POV

"This time it's gonna be a boy I'm telling you" Kaiden said

"You and Kaleb is enough and so is Ayla but I really don't care if it's a boy or girl" I said shrugging

I just finished scheduling a appointment with my doctor. Kaiden's phone started ringing



'Sure when'


'Okay I'll see ya there'


He then hung up.

"Who was that" I asked laying on his chest

"My lawyer" he said shutting off his phone

"I seen her talking to my dad a couple months ago near McDonald's they tried to approach me but I left quickly" I said looking at him

"Really that's crazy" he said looking up

"Yes I missed you" I said as I traced his tattoos

"I know you missed daddy" he said kissing my forehead

I rolled my eyes

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