Chapter 43

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One week later...

Asia's POV

My eyes were shut but I was awake I couldn't open my eyes I don't know why but I tried my hardest it's like they were glued shut. I tried to turn my head but I felt like I was being hit in the head multiple times my head was pounding and my body was hurting.

Kaiden's POV

"You guys please stop" I mumbled irritated

I can't do this shit no more Ayla and Kaleb is jumping all over me and won't sit still. Kyrie is at my moms house Im just trying to get some sleep but I can't with these to jumping all over me

"Dada I hungry" Ayla said as she stared into my red eyes

"Okay come on Kaleb help her put her shoes on we gonna go to McDonald's and then go see mommy alright" I said as I stood up

They both nodded and ran downstairs I put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt with my air forces and walked downstairs.

"Dada I head hurt" Ayla said as she pointed to her head

"It's Okay Baby it's gonna stop soon okay" I said as I picked her up

I then walked to the car with both of them. When I got in I pulled off to McDonald's.

Nyla's POV

I'm at the hospital with Kaizha, Taliyah and shy were here because Asia had woke up they said they tried calling Kaiden but there was no answer so we came.

"How you feeling" shy asked as he rubbed her arm

"I don't know my head hurts really bad and my body, wheres my kids and Kaiden" she asked we shrugged

"Not sure I don't even know Kaiden's been ghost ever since you been in here" Taliyah said as she sat next to me

The doctor had walked in.

Asia's POV

"Ugh two things your boyfriend is here with your children and the second thing is you can leave in 2 days we still half to
Make sure your okay and not light headed" she said I smiled I just wanted to
See Kaiden and the kids

"We gonna come by tomorrow" Nyla said as she hugged me

I nodded and hugged the rest of them as they walked out I then seen Kaleb and Ayla walk in.

"Mama I missed you" Ayla said as she tried to climb up onto the bed

"I missed you to baby" I said as I smiled

I picked her up and she kissed me on my cheek.

"Hey Kaleb" I said squeezing him "wheres Kyrie and your dad"

"Daddy is coming he went to get something and Kyrie is with Nana" Kaleb said as he sat down

Kaiden has walked in 5 minutes later. He just stared at me and sat down

"Hey" I said as I smiled

He nodded. My smile turned into a frown

Okay then...

"Mama wha dat" Ayla said as she pointed to a scar on my cheek

"It's a cut baby" I replied

She just stared at it. Kaiden's head was down and he wasn't even talking to me.

"Mom I'm going to get a bag of chips" Kaleb said as he pulled out a dollar bill from his pocket

"I come to" Ayla said as she reached for him

"Make sure you hold her hand Kaleb" I said as they both walked out

I looked over at Kaiden and he was just
In his phone. It kept buzzing like literally every twenty seconds

"Who's that" I asked as I laid back

"Business" he mumbled

"Oh" I replied

Kaiden's POV

There's some shit I'm hiding from Asia but I don't wanna tell her because I wanna wait until she gets out the hospital but I half to tell her now because I just half to.

"Asia" I mumbled

"Ya" she replied

"You promise that when I come back you gonna be there" I asked

She looked at me confused "what" she questioned

I let out a sigh "last week I got pulled over and I had drugs in the car I got arrested on the spot but I got bailed until
Court and I pleaded guilty I didn't wanna tell you but I half to because I gotta do 3 years I was suppose to do 5 but I got parol my mom had the kids for the 4 days I was locked up but I gotta turn myself in, in two weeks" I said lowly

She looked at me before I seen a tear slip down her cheek and her lip started to tremble

"What do you mean 3 years" she asked as her hands shook

"Babe I promise ima be back soon Shamar is gonna handle my shit for me and make sure y'all good Ight" I said as I got up and hugged her

"But I don't want you to go" she mumbled as she stared to cry more

See this is the shit I wanted to ignore.

"Asia I gotta handle my shit alright don't worry ima still call you every day and you gonna come to all my visits and ima make sure y'all good whether I'm there or not Alright" I said she nodded as I wiped her tears "I love you baby girl we still
Got two weeks together and a whole life to live once I come back Alright"

"Love you to" she mumbled

The kids then walked in causing her to wipe her tears quickly

"Dada Kayeb not share his chips" Ayla said as she crossed her arms

"Kaleb give her some please" I mumbled

He did just that

Shamar POV

I just pulled up to mama Lynn's house I came to get Kyrie and to tell Mama Lynn what's popping with Kaiden he doesn't wanna see her because he promised her he would stay outta trouble after he had his kids and now he gotta do time so he feels bad. I got out my car and walked towards her house. I knocked on the door and she opened it embracing me into a hug

"Hey son your here for Kyrie right" she asked I nodded

"Mama we gotta talk" I mumbled

She sat down

"What's up" she said as she stared at me

"You can't be mad but Kaiden has to do some time in prison" I said fast

"What do you mean how much time 3 months" she asked as she shrugged

"3 years he was supposed to do 5 but he got parol" I mumbled

The look on her face I don't even know if I should hug her I just get Kyrie and Leave.

"Here's Kyrie's things" she said as she handed me his diaper bag and him in his car seat

"Love you mama" I said hugging her

She nodded.

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