Chapter 3

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John was immediately on edge. He didn't like men in suits. When he was still in the army it was often the men in suit who were the worst killers. They had happily sent entire legions to war without breaking a sweat. In their eyes John saw they knew, they knew those men wouldn't return, but they just didn't care.

John eyed the two men suspiciously, The taller one had brown chestnut hair that stopped just above his shoulders, he also looked younger than the second man, who was at least two heads shorter and had short brown hair, his features were a lot sharper than his companion.

The two were slightly startled as well, they probably hadn't expected a whole company in the morgue, the shorter of the two recovered the first and while stepping into the room he started to speak.

"We're looking for Molly Hooper, we were told she would be here."

The man obviously wasn't British, his accent was all off, he was American. What was an American man doing in the morgue of the St Bart's hospital? John glanced at Sherlock to see if he was thinking the same thing, but he got no reaction.

Molly stepped away from the table with the body on it. She, on the other hand, had no suspicion at all, she often had to deal with men like these, most of the time they were people from the police department who had questions or needed her advice.

"That would be me, can I help you with anything?"

The second man, with the long hair, who had followed the shorter one into the room took over from his companion and said

"For a matter of fact: yes. We're here to take a look at what was brought in yesterday, and you are presumably the person who can show it to us?"

Molly started to nod but before she could answer Sherlock stepped forward.

"And who would want to see the body of an murdered man, as you aren't from the London police department, who already did their assessment yesterday evening and are now waiting for an autopsy and thus have no reason to be here, nor have any other police departments?"

The man looked a little suprised by the sudden attack but again, recovered quickly, it was however the shorter man who answered.

'"We're from the Interpol, I'm agent Jackson Stewart and this is my partner Bobby Singer." To show he was speaking the truth he and his friend showed two official looking ID's accompanied by badges.

"We're here to look into the murder," He continued, "we suspect you have an international serial killer here in London, and would like to see the body for ourselves."

Putting away his ID he did a step forward, now directly facing the taller Sherlock, the look on his face was blatant challenge. With a fake smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes he said

"But who is asking? Where I come from not everybody who fancies seeing a dead body is allowed into a morgue, so why are you?"

Sherlock stepped aside, ignoring the man's (Jackson was his name?) challenge. Barely looking at him he started talking with a very fast pace. It reminded John of the times Sherlock talked to Anderson, with little interest and with little respect.

"I'm a consultant detective, you've probably never heard of it, especially not in the US, where even the normal detectives can't seem to do their work properly, but I just finished so now you can play with it as you wish, we'll be on our way, are you coming John?"

When Sherlock finished talking he already stood next to the door and was impatiently motioning John to follow.

Seconds later the two stood outside in the quiet hospital hall, nobody else was present so they could talk freely.

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