Chapter 12

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A little earlier that day.


"How do you actually know where those two live?" Sam asked as the two of them walked through the city. It was raining slightly. Not enough to bother Sam, but enough to annoy the crap outta Dean. He was cursing the London weather and London people and London sphinxes and all the stupid stereotypes that happened to be true when the words of his brother interrupted his thought.

"What? Oh, Bobby told me."


Then Sam frowned.

"Wait, how'd Bobby know?"

Dean glanced at his brother, but after that kept walking and looking straight ahead.

"Didn't I tell you? Trenchcoat's sidekick likes to write blogs about their murder mysteries. When doing some research for a case Bobby stumbled upon it, that's how he knew. For some reason, people actually like reading that crap and the creep is a minor celebrity here in London."

"So you didn't do any research on your own?"

Dean slowed his pace slightly as he was a little taken aback. "What?"

"I'm not a moron Dean, most of the time when you don't like somebody that somebody ends up with a black eye or, more often than not, worse." Sam said as he slowed down too.

"Most of the time they deserve it though!" Dean shot back.

Sam rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, that doesn't matter now. We are on a job right now, that means no screwing around. We need that ''creep'' and the other guy to work with us if we wanna catch that sphinx."

Dean huffed and halted completely. He crossed his arms and blocked his brother from walking any further.

"And how did you wanna achieve that?" He said, making it clear that he really didn't believe that Sam had any good answer for his question.

Sam too, stood still and shot Dean an irritated look.

"Well, we'll figure something out. I'm sure we can make them see reason."

"Ha!" Dean scoffed. "Yes, of course, that Sherlock dude looks like a real reasonable man to me." the sarcasm was dripping from his voice. Sam wasn't impressed tough.

"He's a detective right? Well, if presented the facts correctly he must see that we are speaking the truth! Hell, he isn't the first person we told about it."

Dean shot a desperate shot to the sky, as if praying to any good wanting to listen to put him in a situation any other than this mess.

"Whatever, keep dreaming sunny boy." He mumbled and started walking again. But he was stopped when Sam called his name.


Suppressing the urge to sigh very loudly he turned around for a second time.

"What." Dean snapped.

Sam did a step towards him.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid when we meet them, just, leave the talking to me and stand back." the longer brother insisted.

For a second neither of them moved. The rain slowly fell upon the ground and on the other side of the street a man with black umbrella hurried into one of the many buildings and the two were alone again.

Dean shortly squinted and gave in.

"Fine." he managed to squeeze out of his tightened jaw. And he was about to turn around again when he thought off something. He spun towards his brother again and pointed his finger at his chest. "But when they won't listen to us, or that Sherlock dude starts pointing guns at us again. Then we do it my way."

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