Chapter 17

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John had a very hard time remembering a more tense cab ride. There was no way the cabbie couldn't feel the awkwardness between the three, but luckily for them, the driver didn't ask any questions and kept his eyes on the road, determined to get to the destination as quickly as possible so he could get rid of his three passengers as fast as possible. John himself was seated in the backseat, next to him sat Sam, who seemed to mind his presence a lot less than Dean , who was riding shotgun at the moment.

The three of them were headed to Bakerstreet. It was the most logical place where Sherlock would be at the moment. When Sam had asked him where Sherlock was most likely now, his first instinct was to just grab his mobile and call his friend, so he reached into his pocket only to realize his cellphone was gone. The two brothers had assured him that although they had searched him, they hadn't taken anything of him. John didn't really have a reason to not believe them, after all, if he had his phone they could find Sherlock faster. That must've meant that either he had lost the thing in the fight at the apartment, or he had lost the phone while Sam and Dean had moved him to that motel. Something that he still couldn't understand; How the two brothers had managed to move an unconscious body through London without alerting the authorities. When he had asked about the fact, Sam had shrugged and Dean had given him a small smirk saying "We have our tricks." An answer that actually made him more alarmed than he already was.

So John had no phone, no way to contact Sherlock, and Sherlock had no way to contact him. Judging from the time, the museum was already closed and the most plausible scenario was that Sherlock would have gone straight back home. He doubted that the detective had found any useful information in those dusty archives. If he had any luck, Sherlock was still home. As they came closer and closer to Bakerstreet, John couldn't shake the nagging feeling that they wouldn't find Sherlock that easily. It was never that easy, and atop of that, there was no way Sherlock couldn't deduce that a fight had taken place at 221B. The veteran didn't actually know how much damage they had done to the apartment (He remembered the sound of the breaking door frame and he hit the desk), but knowing the consulting detective, the two brothers had only needed to touch the door knob and that would've been enough for Sherlock to see that somebody else then him or John had entered, let alone a broken door frame.

He wondered what Sherlock's initial reaction would've been when he noticed that John wasn't home and that there had been a break-in. Obviously, he had searched for any clues first, but after that? Would he have called Lestrade? The police themselves? Probably not... Call Mycroft? That was a tricky one, Sherlock loathed his brother while Mycroft loved his. But somewhere, deep down, John wasn't entirely convinced if Sherlock hate for the older Holmes was as strong as he claimed it to be.

John's train of thought was interrupted when the cab suddenly halted. It appeared that they had arrived at their destination.

Dean jumped out the cab immediately, and when John reached for his pockets, he realized with a start that he didn't have his wallet on him either. While he patted his other pockets searching for any loose change he bit his lip, but he didn't have to search long because Sam coughed beside him.

"Uhm, I've got it."

When John looked at Sam, who had a small sheepish smile on his face, the younger Winchester was already holding the money that they owed the cab driver in his hand.

A few moments later, the three of them stood before a worrying sight in the rain. The door of John's apartment was open. John frowned and turned towards the brothers.

"I'm assuming it wasn't you two who left the door open, right?"

Sam, who was inspecting the windows, confirmed his thoughts.

"No, it certainly wasn't us"

After he checked if the streets were empty and exchanging a look with his brother, the older Winchester whipped out his gun and started walking to the door. Sam was right behind them. But before they could even take two steps they were stopped by John's voice.

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