Chapter 16

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Sherlock slid the phone back in his pocket. He didn't give Lestrade a second thought, already he was thinking about the next step. He needed to find John and to find John, he had to find the Winchesters. And he wasn't Sherlock Holmes if he hadn't already formed a plan.

The streets were almost deserted. Night was falling and above rain clouds released their first drops of rain upon London. The wet concrete reflected the orange light of the streetlights and puddles of water started to form. None of that bothered Sherlock when he left Bakerstreet. The rain actually helped his cause. The homeless and beggars in this area always retired to the same places when it started to rain, making it easier of him to find them.

And Sherlock wasn't disappointing. After walking a few blocks he saw next to a parking station a familiar face. Wrapped in dirty blankets he sat leaning against the walls of the complex, the overhanging roof protected him from most of the bad weather and the man was still able to beg any other pedestrian for change. It was as good as it would get in this weather.

While Sherlock crossed the street, he tried to remember what he knew about the man. He called himself Logan, but it was clear as day that that wasn't his real name. Logan wasn't somebody in Sherlock's direct network, but years back they spoke regularly. Now he rather avoided the man. But from what he had heard from the other homeless is that Logan hadn't changed a bit and was still in business, and that business meant that he would visit all the shady parts of London. Every gritty hotel, motel and deserted spot in London was his playground. If anything new happened in those parts of town, Logan would know.

Logan spotted him, baring his brown teeth he let out a gurgling laugh.

"Well, well, what is this? Sherlock Holmes himself seeking out an old fella like me? It has been a long time, ain't it?"

Sherlock halted right in front of the man. He didn't bother to step under the overhanging roof, not wanting to get any closer to the of smoke reeking man than was absolutely necessary.

"I knew you'd come back, they always come back. What ya need this time Holmes?" His face was far too smug for Sherlock's liking.

"Information." The detective answered coolly. He wasn't gonna let the man get under his skin.

"Info? That's new... You know I don't do info, Holmes. Loose lips sink ships, isn't that what they say?"

Sherlock clenched his fists.

"I'm not a fool Logan, you clearly think me to be. If I wanted to unmantle your little business and waste time catching your partners I certainly wouldn't need your help or information in doing so. I'm here for other information."

"Why don't ya trot along to your other snitches Holmes?" The man laughed barking. "If you really wanted information, you would've run to them already! No, I know why you're here and luckily for you, I'm always ready to do business." He said as he already reached for his pockets.

Sherlock hadn't time for this.

He grabbed the man's collar with both hands and pulled him upright. Pressing the man against the wall Sherlock brought his head closer. He could smell the alcohol on his breath induced with the smoke of a joint. Although the man had used today, Sherlock was pretty sure the substances had now only little influence on the man.

"I will ask you once, Logan, only once, it's a simple question so even an incompetent destitute guttersnipe like you should be able to answer it correctly." Sherlock whispered with a voice that surely had to ability to freeze over hell itself.

"Well, spit it out then Holmes." Logan snickered, but his eyes told otherwise. They shifted behind him to his sides, no doubt trying to see if anybody would be coming to his aid. This man wasn't as tough as he had praised himself to be, and now Sherlock stood before him, one he hadn't accounted for.

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