Chapter 8

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It was just after closing time, so the museum was almost deserted. At first Dean had thought it to be an advantage, but then Sam reminded him that even though the place was closed, many people who worked there would still be around. They couldn't use their passes, not only because Sam had lost his, but because they had a big suspicion that the police, and that Sherlock guy, would be watching out for sudden appearances of Interpol agents. They had a plan, scratch that, Sam had a plan.

So it happened that a mere hour later Dean found himself wearing a slightly too big security control uniform, next to him, Sam wore a matching uniform. While he tried to adjust his sleeves so they wouldn't fall over his hands, he grumbled frustrated.

"I just don't understand why we couldn't wait for the dark and sneak in, you know, old school style."

Sam let out a soft laugh.

"Dean, this isn't just a place you sneak into, we're talking about the National British Museum. This place is probably more secure than Bobby's drink cabinet."

"Well, if it's as secured as you claim, what makes you think they will fall for this crap?" Dean shot back as he motioned to his ill fitting uniform.

Sam shrugged, he knew Dean was right, but he also knew that it was Friday night, that the people working there were tired and really wanted to go home. He just had to hope that their desire to go home was bigger than their suspicion for them.

"Guess we just have to be very convincing.'' He said. And with that, he opened the doors of the museum.


Dean had to give Sam credit. His stupid plan actually worked. He watched his brother as he talked to a muscled security man and convinced him that they were here on a routine job and that something must've gone wrong with scheduling.

"No no, I understand, you two are the second whose appointment wasn't communicated. I'll try to fix it tomorrow, go ask the bosses what's wrong and all that. Do you mind coming back another time?'' The muscled man said.

"Actually, it's very important the systems are checked today, otherwise they may malfunction, you see, they are very delicate and if they aren't maintained properly they will break, with a possibility of a complete security black out. No, they have to be checked today." Sam said with a pretty convincing tone, it appeared that role playing as a fed had done his acting skills good.

The man hesitated shortly, but eventually he nodded.

"Very well, however, I will be checking your progress from time to time, we can't have people walking around completely unsecured, you know?"

"Yes, yes of course. " Sam answered, relieved that his plan had actually worked. These English people were far too trusting.

"Good, when you bump into anyone who gives you trouble, tell them to contact Tim, that should settle it."

"Thank you very much sir. We'll be on our way then." Sam said with a smile and he walked off. Dean just nodded to the guard with a polite smile and started after his brother.

"Nice work Sammy." He said.

Sam glanced at his brother.

"Yeah, well don't thank me yet. That was the easy part."

"I didn't thank you, just said 'nice work Sammy'" Dean noted dryly.

The taller Winchester rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, now, if you were an ancient creature whose sole purpose was protecting treasure, where would you hide?"

Dean grimaced.

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