Chapter 20

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Dean was very aware of the man behind him. He could feel Sherlock's eyes drill deeply in his back, observing every movement he made. Somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn't shake the feeling that Sherlock must be calculating the best place to plant a knife , probably right between his shoulders, but for the moment Dean decided that he would deal with that feeling later, now he needed to be alert. In his left hand he held his flashlight and crossing over his left arm he held his gun in his right hand. They were sneaking through the darker parts of the building, quietly but quickly making their way to where the sound of the gunshot had come from.

When Dean had produced the flashlight from his jacket, he hadn't missed Sherlock's raised eyebrow.

"What?" The Winchester had barked.

"Oh, nothing. Just surprised that somebody like you would've thought about bringing about bringing a flashlight." Sherlock had answered, flashing his teeth quickly in a fake polite smile.

"Well then, where's your flashlight?" Dean snapped back.

When Sherlock didn't answer Dean smirked.

"Thought so you prick" He had whispered under his breath as he had turned away.

After the first gunshot, they hadn't heard a thing. Dean was struggling to not just whip out his phone and call his brother, but he knew better. If Sam had by any chance run off to hide or seek shelter after the first short, his ringing phone could betray his position. No, they had an agreement; Wait fifteen minutes after the first shot before you call. Otherwise, it's the rule; first to shoot, first to call.

So he was relieved when the sound of his ringtone disturbed the silence.

Ignoring Sherlock's suspicious look he put the gun in the same hand as his flashlight and reached into his pocket, quickly finding his phone he put it against his ear.

"Sammy, you alright?" He practically shouted into the phone

"Geez Dean, no need to shout remember. Yeah, I'm fine. You found Sherlock?"

"Yeah, I found the psychopath."

"Sociopath." Sherlock corrected.

"What?" Dean shot a slightly confused look at Sherlock, who just blinked at him.

Dean rolled is eyes. "Whatever." He muttered under his breath.


"Yeah, I'm here Sammy."

"Good, listen. We were right, the Sphinx is here. John shot it and he said it wounded her, so it seems that Bobby was wrong about that only strangling a sphinx will kill it." Sam said.

"But when I shot at it in the museum it did jack shit."

"Well, seems like Bobby was right about one thing at least."

"Lucky us. Now, what's the plan, because I'm guessing that shot didn't ice the fucker." Dean said angrily. 

"Afraid not, but we need to regroup. I think John is currently the only one that can harm it. And now it isn't here anymore, it isn't hard to guess where the Sphinx is going next."

"Sound's like a plan, but-"

"I want the phone." Sherlock said.

"What? No, fuck off."


"Not you Sam." Dean shot back while glaring at Sherlock.

"That's your brother you're talking too, and from what would be logical, if you have been speaking the truth, what I am still a bit doubtful of, John would be with Sam." Sherlock said, voice void of emotion but eyes glinting dangerously.

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