Chapter 10

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John didn't exactly know where to find Mycroft. Sherlock rarely talked about his brother, and the only times John saw the government agent was when he needed something from him. So he always came to them. But John had an idea. One time, when Sherlock had been ranting on about his brother, he had mentioned a gentlemen's club. The Diogenes club. It was as good a place to start as any. It took him a few google inputs to actually find where it was located. He ordered the taxi driver take him there and after 20 minutes he found himself standing in front of a posh looking villa nestled in the heart of London.

What now?

He knew Mycroft was part of the club, but that didn't mean he was there now. To be honest John didn't even know how to get in. If Sherlock was with him, they would already be inside, be it either by breaking into the facility or tricking the security. But John knew, he had to do this alone, there was no way Mycroft would speak honestly with his brother around.

John looked around, trying to find a way in. Of course, there was the front door, but he highly doubted that they would let him in a club people like Mycroft were part of. It was probably a club only for people who were part of secret agencies, and then you didn't want anybody like John wandering around inside, even if he claimed that he knew Mycroft.

On the first floor, there were several big windows. A few were even open. But they were pretty high up, and one couldn't describe John as very tall. There was no way he could quickly slip through one of the windows without turning a few heads.

"John Watson, what a pleasant surprise."

John managed to not jump when hearing the voice. Sherlock liked creeping up to him in their house to scare him by suddenly starting to talk. He claimed he didn't mean to, but John knew better. It was only logical his brother liked to do the same with people. He turned around and there stood Sherlock's older brother, he had just exited from his black car, in which Althea, Mycroft's assistant, spoke softly to the driver which quickly drove off. Mycroft's hands were resting on his cane, he had an almost unnoticeable smile on his lips.

"Mycroft." John just said. He didn't know what to think of the man. It was Sherlock's brother, but Sherlock hated him. However, It appeared that Mycroft didn't hate his brother. It was a weird relationship, making him a little more than slightly confused.

"Well, I think you must be here for me, either that or you were just planning to break into the building for fun?'' Mycroft said with his soft voice, leaving no doubt that he had noticed that John had been looking for a way in.

However, he didn't let John answer. He motioned the blogger to follow him as he walked towards the building.

"Whatever it is, let's do it inside, I heard it's going to rain soon." He said.

John had been right. The place was heavily secured. Mycroft walked up to the few stairs in front of the door and it swung open. Two men held the door open for the pair. They were unmoving, just like the guards at Buckingham palace. Immediately after John had entered, the door closed again. When walking through the rich decorated halls they encountered few people, and those who they met only nodded at Mycroft, they didn't even acknowledge that John was there as well.

After a few twists and turns, Mycroft finally entered one of the rooms. It was an office, an office that the would suit royalty better than it did a man who 'worked for the government'. The floor was decorated with a thick Persian carpet, on wooden walls hung several paintings depicting very serious looking men. There were several sofas placed in the room, each one loaded with cushions and in the middle of the room stood a huge oaken desk.

When Mycroft wandered to the desk the sound of his footsteps and cane were muffled by the carpet. He didn't take place behind the desk, but rather took a pen in his hand and started toying with it.

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