Chapter 15

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"...Let's start with step one, okay?" Dean finished his sentence and turned his back to his brother, who was sitting on a shitty chair behind his laptop. Probably doing some research or whatever.

Really, at times like this, you had to keep your cool. Maybe their guest had a mobile on him or something else that could help them find this Sherlock. Because in the end, if they managed to find the next victim they would catch that Sphinx in no time. How they'd fight it, well, they would deal with that when the time came.

So Dean passed his beer to his other hand and opened the door, and was met by a sight he wasn't expecting. Because, their guest was actually awake.

For a second, none of them spoke and Dean was left to stare at the man tied to the chair. His blond hair still a bit red from the wound. Which Sam had treated by the way.

"uhmm" Was all he was able to say. Dean hadn't thought it to be possibly for somebody to combine such hard look with curiosity, but this one man managed to pull it off.

First Dean squinted, which the other man mirrored, then he raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak.

"Look man, you-"

But before he could finish his sentence the other man interrupted him.

"You're Dean Winchester, the other man you were talking to is your brother Sam Winchester. Your parents were Mary and John Winchester. Misses Winchester died when you were young in a fire, and your father died not to long ago. Or rather, he disappeared. You and your brother became two of the US most wanted criminals, doing more than one crime that would have caused a lifelong imprisonment or even the death sentence. However, you both died in a helicopter accident."

The man spoke so fast Dean could barely keep up with him.

However, the older Winchester relaxed a bit and leaned against the door post. Sam had already told him that this Sherlock had caught scent of their trail. It wasn't a big surprise that he had told his companion. Dean was still wondering how this Sherlock had found out who he and his brother were, with only ever seeing them once. He had to give the guy some credit, but that guy wasn't here, it was his friend and Dean strongly doubted that Sherlock's friend had anything to do with finding out who they were, no, Sam had told him that it was Sherlock who was the mastermind of the two and that John just hung around him. And although Watson could fight, he wouldn't be able to do now, being tied to a chair and all. If this man thought he and Sam were just your old criminals and didn't know any more than what he had read in the papers, then that was fine by him.

"Well, ten points for Gryffindor, at least, you know how to google some shit." Dean said not sounding all to impressed. With a rather smug look on his face, he brought his beer to his lips.

Yet, John wasn't finished. Without blinking, he continued.

"But the thing is, you two aren't what the people think you are. You may or may not have done these crimes. But you did them for another cause. You and your brother hunt things, things in the dark. Things not many people know about. Monsters. You two are hunters and for some reason that has brought you two here, and me tied to this chair."

Dean choked on his beer and Sam sprung up from his chair.

"Wait what? How do you know?" Sam asked, almost shouting as he walked with big strides to the bathroom door, where Dean was still trying to stop coughing.

Meanwhile, John felt the confidence surge through him. Although these two had broken into his house, he realized that they weren't the enemy. At least, not from his point of view. Why they had decided to break into his home was a mystery worth solving, for another time. Now he needed to make sure they realized he wasn't the enemy, and it seemed that now he had their attention it was the right time to do so.

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