Chapter 5

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Sam wasn't sure which way to go. He was just turning randomly left and right and because of that, had completely lost track of where he was. London was very different from the other places where he normally was engaged in a chase. The small villages weren't even close to being half as complicated as the London streets. Sam could either stay in the alleyways, hoping that the many turns would confuse his pursuer (Sam was pretty sure that only one of the two had followed him, meaning that the other one was probably now chasing after Dean.) Or he could try and find a more open area with more bystanders. He would attract a lot of attention, but so would the guy behind him. And if the man that was following him had a weapon, he hopefully would be more hesitant to use it in the open space, but of course, he had no guarantees...

He quickly decided that the second open was the best option, but now he just needed to find a way to actually make it to said open area...

Realizing that the sound of footsteps behind was becoming louder he started to run faster. It didn't look like he could outrun his pursuer. Dean had always been the faster one of the two. He turned a corner, scaring a cat to death in the progress. At the end of the alley there was a steel fence, luckily for him, that wasn't much of an obstacle , and hopefully it was a hinder for his stalker. He went even faster when he took a run up, he jumped and grabbed the top of the fence, using his feet he pushed himself along the fence, giving him enough speed to easily leap over it. He gracefully landed on the other side, managing not to slip and fall on the wet floor, for it was still raining. However, he didn't stop moving. Already reaching to exit of the alleyway he heard the fence rattle again as his pursuer tried to climb over it. Now Sam did look behind him, and saw the man in trench coat landing on his side of the fence. The two looked eyes for a second, only a second, but it was long enough for Sam to see the wild spark in the man's eyes. It was the opposite of the expression on his face, which was calm and calculated, and that was enough to make Sam slightly unsettled. Something in his mind told him that this man wouldn't play nice if he caught up to him.

It looked like Sam had been right about that he was being followed by only one person, the smaller man was nowhere in sight. Turning his face back to the alleyways in front of him, he tried to run even faster. It didn't look like he would lose the man in a trench coat in this maze, he wasn't fast enough and the man could jump fences and conguer obstacles as easily as he could. This didn't look very good... If only he had his weapons! He just had to keep running and hope that he would enter the more open streets before the man behind him had found a way to catch up. He was pretty sure he would win in a face to face fight, but if Sam had learned anything in his many years of hunting then it was that you never should judge a foe just by its looks. It would be far safer if he just lost the pursuer in the streets. Sam and Dean knew a few tricks of hiding themselves, and if they were lucky those two would never find them again. Keeping that in mind, he kept running.

Left, right, right, left, right. Above the sounds of falling rain Sam could hear the noise of cars and people becoming louder. He was getting close! He turned another corner, and there, at the end of the street, was the open road. He could see the black cabbies picking up the soaking wet pedestrians, people with black umbrellas who tried to get out of the rain. Even some people walking their dogs. Despite the bad weather it was busy on the street.

Good, that meant he would lose his stalker more easily and then he could try to find his way to the motel. He was already halfway through the street when suddenly the man in trench coat appeared in front of him, looking quite flustered but determent.

What? How could that guy suddenly be in front of him? Not having time to think about he quickly looked around to find a way around for an way to escape. There, to the left, another alleyway. He could either turn around and track his way back, or he could take his changes to the street to the left. Deciding that he hadn't seen any real good ways to shake the man in the streets he just had come from, he sprinted to the left. There his only option was to go right. Having no choice he charged around the corner...

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