Bad girl

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Chapter One

Bad Girl

[Hey sorry if it sucks. Warning there will be cussing. Hope you like it. ]

A.j. Pov.

"Your worthless! Your nothing but a fucking mistake!" He yelled as he kicked and punched me.

"No!" Mike shouted from the door way. Tears were streaming down his face. He ran in and hit his leg. "Leave my sissy alone!"

"Why you little-" he shouted as he shoved Mike away. "Stay out of this lil' boy."

He came back and pulled out a sharp knife. He pulled his hand back and-

I sat up and gasped as my alarm blared out 'Raised by Wolves' by Falling in Reverse. I sighed and rubbed my head. "It was just a dream. He's gone know. Your all OK." I whispered to myself. I turned off the alarm and went to my closet. I pulled out a black tank-top some ripped black skinny jeans my under garments and went to take a shower. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I looked at my reflection and put on some eyeliner, light eyeshadow, don't mascara, and some lip gloss. I decided to put some light blush on my cheekbones just to show off my high cheekbones at school. In front of the snobby popular girls. I smirked at the idea, and went to wake up my little brother, Mike, and my little sister, Mira.

Mike was the oldest of the two by five minutes. They are twins and he liked to point out the age difference all the time. They both had light green eyes, and brown hair. Just like mom. I looked more like dad with my blue eyes, and black hair.

I shook myself from my thoughts and woke them up. "Mira, Mike. Get up." They groaned but woke up slowly. "Get ready then come downstairs. OK?" I asked the two nine-year-olds. They nodded.

I smiled and went downstairs. There was a note stuck to the fridge. I grabbed it and read it.

'Dear kids, i won't be in today. Hope you have a good day. Love you kisses. Love mom.'

I sneered at the note. Yeah, like you ever cared, I rolled my eyes and threw the note away. I made some pancakes, eggs, and bakon. When i finished both Mike and Mira were downstairs and ready. I gave them food and they ate in silence. They knew mom wouldn't be here. She's never in. Always going on business trips and working. She just never has time for her kids. I practically raised them as my own.

When they finished eating we headed out. We climbed into my black Camaro and took off. The Camaro? 'Gift' from my mom for my birthday. One thing good about my mom and her always working is were well off.

I turned on the radio and 'Wasteland' by 10 years came on. Mike and Mira bobbed their heads as I sang. " Change my attempt good intentions

Crouched over

You were not there

Living in fear

But signs were not really that scarce

Obvious tears

But I will not

Hide you through this

I want you to help them, please see

The bleeding heart perched on my shirt

Die, withdraw

Hide in cold sweat

Quivering lips

Ignore remorse

Naming a kid, living wasteland..." I hummed as the song went on. I finally pulled up in front of the kinder garden and the twins climbed out. They shouted a quick bye and took off into the school. I watched then go in and headed off to Wilkson High school. Lame. I blasted 'Welcome to the Masquerade'. People looked up as I pulled into the parking lot. I pulled on my sunglasses and got out of the car. I pulled my leather jacket on and flipped my curley waist length black hair over my shoulders.

I smirked and walked towards the school. My black heeled boots caught the girls attention and my curvy figure caught the boys'. I looked around at all the cliques and their idiotic people. I sat on an empty bench in front of the school and listened in on the conversations. Oh yeah, did i forget to mention I was a rare white were-leopard? Well now you know.

Anyways I've conversation caught my attention though. There was a new girl. She looked about average. She had a natural beauty that most these fake bitches would kill for. She had fair skin, black hair, and hazel eyes. Her cheeks were flushed as all the eyes were on her and her little friend. Annie White was the girl showing her around. She also looked nervous with her eyes wide behind her wide rimmed glasses. She had dark brown hair and pretty chocolate brown eyes. She was telling the new girl about the school cliques. " have jocks and popular girls, the hippies, the goths, the emo's, and the nerds." She finished telling her. "then you have the jock-emo-rock-star Chris Hart. He's not like all jokes. He's actually nice."

The new girl nodded and looked around. Her eyes landed on me."What about her?" She asked nodding in my direction. Annie's eyes landed on me.

She bit her lip nervously. "That's A.J. Ambers. She's the bad girl. Nobody messes with her." She said as they walked. They didn't see Brenda Weathers, the 'queen bee', moving in front of them. "...say she's done a lot of bad things, but that's just rumors and I don't believe them. I don't believe any rumors."

Finally someone who doesn't listen to rumors. The new girl stared at me, and I stared at her. Not that she could tell with the sunglasses and all. I blew a bubble and climbed to my feet. Brenda purposely stopped in front of Annie and the new girl. Annie and the new girl looked up and ran right into Brenda. "What the HELL you fucking geeks?!?!?" Oh boy.


[Hey guys so how is it so far? I hope you enjoy it.]

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