In The End

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Chapter Ten

In The End

(Playlist for la chapter :) ; E For Extinction by Thousand Foot Krutch, Unchained by Blood On The Dance Floor, Happy Violentine's Day by Blood On The Dance Floor, and Your Going Down by Sick Puppies. A little advice listen to Sick Puppies on her final fight. No spoilers. It'll be good though. And I suck at writing fight scenes. WARNING; gore and blood ahead. Don't read if you don't like.) 

A.J. Pov.

Today was the day. We fight today. They forced me to be bait. More my mom than anything...but I was promised leadership if I did this. More power. I didn't want it, but my mom did.

      They think I can just act all pathetic and weak. I'm not a fucking weakling. I'm a strong rare animal. No one can take that from me. No one.

        I looked around the woods and the moon. The ground was covered in a thin layer if icy snow. It glittered in the moon light.

      Chris wanted to mate me...but was it for the power? Or did he really want to be with me. I'm not sure, but that's all anyone wants now  a day. Power. Not me though. I want to have love...without pain, but that's all that there ever is. No love without pain. Life was a fucked up bitch. It fucking hates me. First my dad, then my mom, and now I'm stuck with a wolf.... I don't care if he's a wolf, but I know  he's been around. A lot.

      I huffed and walked around the woods aimlessly. Don't need to dwell on that. There's bigger problems right now. For instance, not dying. I try not to think about it. Now back to the problem. I can't believe what went down yesterday.


.....after I had shifted back they talked about me being valuable. They had talked about using me as bait, but Chris argued. He didn't want me to get involved, but was it for me or my power.
    I can't think about it. It just makes more scars, so I had got the kids and left. Chris had tried to get me to come back, but then my mom lost her 'cool'.
      "Your an ungrateful little bitch. I didn't believe anything you said, but now,I'm sure you lied. You just try to destroy all of my relationship." I glared at her.
    "Then you shouldn't have fucking had kids. Then none of us would have this fucking problem." I glared at her man. "You can both go fuck yourself, because none of you have anything that I need. I don't care if I think I'm in your clan."
     After that I high tailed it out of there. I don't give a damn if he's an alpha. My mom has been with them. This whole time. All that bull shit about the office was a lie. She didn't want us. She didn't need us. I didn't even get to go to that fucking concert.

      She ruined my day. My bruised body can only take so much. I wish she was out of our lives for good.

         The little ones were in need though. They needed her. I didn't obviously, but they did. I can't believe she hit me though......

  A loud bang caught my attention. "H-hello?" I whimpered out. Fuck tards told me to act whipped. Son of a bitches. I hate acting like this.

       "Here kitty, kitty." I herd a whisper. Sounded male. I looked around.

        "Who's there?" I called, getting agitated. "G-guys is that you? C'mon this isn't funny."

        A girl cackled, "Yes it is. The bad girl of school. Left in the middle of the woods. Without your guard dog? He leave you?"

       "Brenda." I hissed out. I stood up straighter.

      "The one and only. I hear that cats have nine lives....Let's test that theory. Shall we?" I herd her cackle.

      I hissed. "Bring it you bitch." I looked around, and smirked. "C'mon stop being a pussy."

        "Don't egg her on, my little pussy cat. Or I'll let her get you. And believe me. I don't want damaged merchandise." An unknown voice said.

      "I'm nobody's merchandise. Do you here me?" I growled. Where the hell is the fight man. I'm waiting and waiting. "Scared you will lose this battle?" I goaded them on.

           "No. You will lose. We will win. You are only one lone leopard." I hissed and leaned against a nearby tree.

        "Enough games. Come out so I can kill you." I sniffed in disdain. "You're not worth my time."

         "Bitch," Brenda hissed, then I felt something hit my side. A loud roar filled the air, and then...the wolves came out.

The air was filled with growls roars, and whimper's of pain.

       I kicked Brenda off of me and shifted. Chia was panting in anticipation. Kill the bitch, now.

        The dumb ass blonde growled at me. "You ruin everything. I was going to get him, and you got in the way."

          He didn't want you anyways. I thought. He better not have.

         "He wanted me. When you friend zoned him, he thought about me. Saw me..." She smiled sarcastically. "He was thinking about doing it. Going with me."

       Liar. Chia hissed. I growled and jumped on her. I clawed at her back and hissed. She shifted and attacked back. She tried to get me off, but I stayed right where I was.

        I bit into her juggler, and she tried to get me to let go. I bit deeper in, and gave a loud roar. She soon after stopped twitching. I let go of her neck and her body fell,limp on the floor.

     I threw my head back and roared. I herd a loud yelp and looked up. I saw Chris getting attacked. I could feel the pain, and it made me made. Chia took over then. I could see everything that happened. Everything that Chia did. She killed half the rogues.

       She ripped their throats out ripped their limbs off. She was vicious as she mutilated them.

            As soon as they were all gone. Not a single rogue was alive. I gave a loud roar in victory, and left them all behind. I did my part. I don't need to stick around.


(I can't believe I wrote that. Was it good? Did you listen to your going down by sick puppies when she was fighting Brenda? Finally some justice. Thanks for reading guys. Hope you enjoy. And sorry for not updating, and if it's short. I kinda got writers block.)

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