Happy Endings

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Chapter Nine

Happy Endings

(The playlist for this chapter; Words As Weapons by Seether, Unforgiven by Blood On The Dance Floor, Dead By Dawn by Tear Out The Heart, and Bite My Tongue by You Me At Six ft Oliver Sykes. In that order. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

A.J. Pov.

  "Your one of them?" I spun around then. Uh-oh. Were in trouble. Chia hissed.

       I looked up at a pissed off Chris. "One of them?" I asked narrowing my eyes. Fuck no, Chia hissed. "Do you have a problem with me?"

          "If your a fucking cat then I do." He growled.

           "Well then I have a problem with you dog," I growled out. "No one told you to ask to be my friend."

         "Because I thought you were human." He growled. "I thought you were my one chance at a happy ending-"

     I laughed humorously. "Happy Ending? There is no such thing as a happy ending." I smirked. "What world are you living in?"

       I turned Away from him. "You can't accept me then that's your problem. Not mine." I said as I walked away.

       While walking away I ran into my mom. "How dare you." She hissed. "After all I've done for you, you ungrateful little hussy." I gaped at her. I opened my mouth, but she kept talking. "I ask you to do something, one little fucking thing and you can't even fucking listen. How does that make me look in front of Mitch? Hmm?"

       I glared at her. "You think I fucking care? I didn't even want to be here. You made me come." I stood up straighter. "You actually think u give a two fucking cents what he thinks? Knowing you, you were probably here with him and his little fucking happy family while I-" she opened her mouth. "-WAS AT THAT HELL WHOLE GETTING BEAT DOWN, AND FOR WHAT? SO YOU CAN MAKE ANOTHER FAMILY? YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT THAT. YOU LET HIM BEAT ME SO BAD. I NEEDED YOU AND WHERE WERE YOU? FUCKING AROUND WITH SOME ALPHA?" I huffed and my body shook with anger. Let me out, Chia coaxed me. Let go for once. You need it.

         I laughed a little then. "Your so right." I said out loud. I looked up at my mom. "You happy now Mom? I know I am. Clean my plate. Tell me. Have you ever met Chia?" She looked confused. I noticed then that there were other people outside, but ignored them. "You should meet her." I said in a growl. My body shook and I let go with a sigh. My bones cracked, I let my body shift. Fur slid onto my back, my nails grew as did my ears. My teeth elongated, and I grew a tail. I let out a loud roar.

           My piercing purple eyes stared at everyone in front of me. They all looked fascinated, some scared. Others looked at me in awe. "A whit leopard. So beautiful so rare."

         I growled out loud. "I am not something you can just stare at. I am amazing. I am invincible. You can never make me feel inferior. To Anyone." Chia said in an loud commanding voice.

         They all looked fascinated. My breaths came in pants. I felt my body shift back then. Some woman came out with some clothes. She put them behind a bush. I went behind it and changed. I came out afterward with a glarr on my face.

         "Dad...we can use her as bait." I snarled at the person who said that.

          "You can be of some use...little alpha." Mitch said. I growled lowly. Use me as bait.

         "She would love too." Candice said sweetly. I glared at the woman. She smirked at me. I let my eyes change from purple to blue and back again. She winced, but still looked at me with a little smirk.

Chris Pov.

      She's a rare white leopard. I fell like a total dick. Especially after all that stuff I herd. Her dad used to beat her?

          You should feel like shit. After all of that you treat our mate- Jasper was saying.

        Wait what? Our mate? I asked him. I stood still.

         Yes our mate. Idiot. I figured you would know, he growled at me. She is our other half. Apart of your destiny. But of course you would fuck it up.

        I winced and a whimper left me. They were going to use her as bait. And I fucked it up. "Are you ok?" I herd someone say. I looked up at my mom and everyone. They were staring at me.

         I sighed. "No I'm not all right. I blew it with A.J."

         "Just make it up to her." She said.

         "How? Tomorrow we fight. She's the bait. I can't do anything now. And she'll probably avoid me now."

         "Then protect your mate then." My mom said. "She'll need it. Especially from that mother of hers."

            Yes. I will protect her. I'll make it up to her. Someway, but I will.


(I am not sure what was going on in my head during this chapter. The next parts my favorite. See you next time. :))

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