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Chapter Six


[sorry i haven't been on in a while. This one is going to be awesome. And sad. I think. It'll be interesting. Been busy. Sorry for not updating.]

A.J. Pov

    You know that awkward moment. The one where you don't know what to do, but you want to help? Well I'm currently in that situation. Stacy had just burst into tears on me. I didn't know what to do. I stood there next to her and patted her back.

     "Sweety. That is not true." I crouched down in front of her. "The new baby is just a little more....needy. They need everything done for them." I smiled at her sadley. "I know how it feels to be the left out one. I mean look at the two here. They were baby's once too. I used to be jealous of the attention they got."

      She sniffles and looked at me. "So th-they do love me to?" I nodded.

       "Now will you tell me where you live?" She nodded. I climbed into the car and started the car. She told me the way to her house. After a few turns and a few times getting lost I finally found it.

      I climbed out and turned to Stacy. "Wait here. Ok?" She nodded. I climbed out of the car and went to knock. I stood there for a little while, then the door flew open. There stood Chris. My old new best friend.

    He stared at me in shock. We stood there for a while. Him just staring at me. A a slow smirk found it's way on my lips. "Hello, Chris. Surprised?"

     He shook his head. "Um...yeah actually I am. W-what are you doing here? At my house? At 6:00 in the afternoon?"

     I pursed my lips and decided against playing with him. I was here for a serious matter. But it was nice to find out where he lived. Not that I'm gonna stalk him or anything. That would be weird.

     "Are the parents of Stacy here?" I asked him.

Annie's Pov


    Earlier that afternoon


       Me and Miranda had just got home from school. Everyone was already home except for Chris and

Dylan. They were at football practice then from their Dylan was going to drop off Chris at band practice then pick up Stacy. Chris would probably be home by 5:40 or 6. The reason they pick up Stacy so late is because elementary schools run late here.

        Today was eventful though. Me and Miranda walked into the kitchen. My mom and aunt Silvia were in there with the babies Howie and Sammie, and my little baby brother, Jordan.

       "How was your day girls?" Mom asked as Jessie, Mikah, and Ian walked into the kitchen.

       Me and Miranda looked at each other and grinned. "Today was awesome." We both said. Then I started to tell her everything. "You know how I told you that there were these girls at school who like to pick on me? Well they were about to beat me and Miranda up. While she was talking crap A.J. had walked up. She told Brenda off. told her not to be messing with us because we're her friends." I grinned. "Then at lunch She sat with us and told us that Chris had asked her out, but she friend zoned him, and she wanted to get to know him. Then Chris sat by us and she gave him sass. Asking him what he was doing and all that chiz. He said that they were friends and friends sit together. Then he introduced all the.guys and girls, and Brenda came up crying that A.J. and Chris planned to hurt her when all I saw was her throwing herself at him. But A.J. Was pissed and told her that if she wanted to hurt her then she would. The jock that was with her grabbed her and she put him on his knees in front of her. Then Brenda tired to get her. She Clawed her back but A.J. head butted her. A.J. was going to jump her but Chris stopped her and used his alpha voice on her. A.J. left after that. The rest of the day was interesting too, but the beginning was awesome. A.J.'s our friend." I took a deep breath at the end. Everyone was staring at me now.

      "So...your friends with A.J. now?"

       "Yep. Friends with the bad chick that you all said twin had no chance with." Miranda said.

       The door opened and closed. The clock said it was 5:58. What the the hell? "Where you been bro?" I called out to Dylan.

Chris's Pov

       "Where you been bro?" I herd Annie call from the kitchen as me and Dylan came through the front door.

         "I was chilling with Chris and the band." He said as we went to the kitchen. I herd my dads car pull in. Andrew would be with him.

          "So where is my Lil girl?" I herd Linda ask. I froze. Stacy.

       "YOU FORGOT HER?" Linda yelled. I winced and saw Dylan do the same.

       "Who forgot who?" I herd Andrew ask.

        "THE BOYS FORGOT ABOUT STACY!!!" Linda shouted.

         "It was an accident. I-i swear.." Dylan said.

         There was a knock on the door. "I got it." I said. I ran to the door and opened it. I stared in shock at who stood there.

         I stared at her for a while. A smirk spread across her face. "Hello Chris. Surprised?"

         I shook my head. "Umm...yeah actually I am. W-what are you doing here? At my house? At 6 in the afternoon?"

         She puckered her lips. And bite a little in the bottom one. "Are the parents of Stacy here?" She asked.

         "Y-yeah." I said. I looked behind me. "Aunt Linda!? Uncle Andrew!?" They both came running in. "This is A.J. She wanted to talk to you about Stacy."

         "Is she alright? Is my baby ok?" They asked.

          A.J. smiled at them. "She's fine. I was waiting with her to see if someone was coming  but no one did so I gave her a ride." She hesitated. "And you might want to talk to her."

       "OH THANK YOU SO MUCH." Aunt Linda said as she hugged her. A.J. stiffened until Linda let her go.

          "STACY! C'mon. Your mom and dad are waiting." A little body crawled out from the Camaro. Two others followed. They walked over slowly.

          "Stacy. Baby. C'mon give mommy a hug." Linda said.

            "NOO! YOU DON'T CARE. THAT'S WHY YOU LEFT ME AT SCHOOL!" She said as she clung to A.J.'s leg.

            Everyone herd the commotion, and came to the living room. "Honey that's not true. I would never-"

           "Liar. You left me. Even after the mean kids made fun of me." A.J. stiffened.

           A.J. bent down to Stacy's height. "Stace....remember what i told you?"

         Tears rolled down her face. "Y-you said that m-mommy and d-daddy still love me no matter what."

          "Yes. And I'm sure that your mommy isn't the one who forgot you. Maybe your brother did since he was supposed to pick you up like you told me at the school." A.J. said. "And your making your mommy sad."

        "I'm sorry mommy and daddy." She said as she walked up to Linda and Andrew. They hugged each other. A.J. smiled at them.

        "Thank you A.J. So much. Please stay for dinner. It's the least we can do." A.J. hesitated.

          "Please???" The two little kids asked.

          A.J. sighed and nodded. "Yay. They said. "We get to play with Stacy longer."


       [Hey again i am sorry for not updating in so long. I hope you like this chapter. It was my longest I think.thanks for reading :)]

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