Needing help

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Chapter three

Needing Help

[I'm doing the guys pov, but I'm not good with writing from a guys pov. And it will be switching between the girl and boys pov. Enjoy.]

Chris Pov.

Before school.

     I woke up to Black Veil Brides blaring out of my alarm clock. I groaned and rubbed my face. School. I don't want to go. Who does?, my wolf Jasper grumbled.

      "I don't know who." I answered.

      "GET UP! CMON' GET UP GUYS. IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!" I herd my cousin Annie yelling from the hall. That's who, Jazz growled. There were groans from all the rooms. Even some rude comments.

        I decided to get up. My long black hair fell into my grey-blue eyes. I stretch my arms above my head as i climbed out of the bed and grab my clothes. I grabbed some blue skinny jeans, and my favorite band T-shirt. Yep some Blood On The Dance Floor. I took a shower and fixed my hair, then i headed down stairs. I shook out my hair, and ran into someone.

     I winced and looked down. It was my three-year-old baby cousin Jackie. His lip trembled and his brown eyes filled with tears. "Shh it's OK. I'm sorry Jacks don't cry." I hugged him as I walked down the steps. Little fat tears rolled down his freckled cheeks. "Your OK. Your a big boy like your brother right?" He nodded his little head and buried his face in my neck. I patted his back as I walked into the kitchen.

      "Aww." Was all I herd as i entered three kitchen. Jackie's mom was in there with  everyone. And I do mean everyone. My two oldest twin, Mikah and Joel, my younger twin brother and sister, Jessie and Beth, my baby brother, Howie, my baby sister, Sammie, my aunt, Linfa, her husband, Andrew, and all my cousins, Ian, Dylan, Annie, Stacy, and finally my sister Miranda. Yep big family. Joel and Mikah smirked, "Aww look at the widdle babies."

      "Aren't they cute." I glared at them. We are not children, my wolf growled.

They snickered at their dumb joke. "Up yours." I snarled. They jiffy laughed harder. I put Jackie in his high chair and sat beside Miranda. "So you ready for your first day at Wilkins High?" I asked.

She sneered. "No. I don't see why I have to go to that high school. They all suck."

   "Woah little sis, your talking about lil bros girl." Mikah said.

     "Ha. Like he will ever get The A.J. Ambers." Joel said. They laughed.

"He might have a chance." Beth said. "And he has liked her for a long time. Who knows?"

"He does." Dylan said, as he looked up at me from under his brown hair.

Mom walked in. "Are we talking about A.J. again?" She asked as she poured herself some coffee.

  I threw my hands up. "I don't always talk about A.J.!"

"Yeah you do." Dad said as he walked in.

     I sneered. "Whatever."

"Don't be such a sissy." Jessie sneered. He kind of has a crush on A.J.

"Alright." Dad said. "It's time to head to school.Get going."

"Bye."  We said as we left.

"Alright. Who's going with me?" Dylan climbed in the front, Stacy, Beth, and Jessie climbed in the back.

Miranda and Annie climbed into the other car. "Later boys." They said. I groaned.

I decided to drop off Stacy first. Then the twins. By the time we pulled into the parking lot the bell was going to ring. Me and Dylan walked up together.

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