This is what all my main characters look like :)
Some of the characters haven't come up in the story yet, but don't worry, they will be there soon :)
The characters in order (in case you can't read the text) :
-Ashley Winters
-Angelina Tenebrae
-Adrian Talbot
-Mark Blackwell
-Dennis Crewton
-Damian Martivoli
-Blake Luthco
-Dawn Luthco
-Skye Lennet
-Marina Sanchez
Enjoy the slideshow :)

Help me! I'm stuck in a house full of stupid vampires!
VampireAshley's life is hard enough without having to be a blood suply. After being kidnapped at a Paramore concert, Ashley and her best friends strugle to stay alive. She and her friends soon learn that mother Earth holds many deadly secrets. Secrets that...