Part 13

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Alexander, Jefferson and Angelica were all separated from eachother. They were brought into differnt rooms and tied up to chairs....
They took of Angelica's blindfold and her eyes and the eyes and Samuel Seabury met. He said to her with a smirk, "Hello Princess, how have you been"

"What do you want Samuel?" Angelica spit out.

"Someone in a feisty mood, i like it' Charles spoke.

All she could think in this moment was about Alexander and Jefferson. Where were they? Are they okay? She had no idea. She thought about asking but then again she didn't want to put them in danger because she knew what Samuel and Charles could do if they found out that they were important to her.

"Now you arent talking?" Samuel said.

Angelica was terrified but she couldn't show it. They would use it against her. She needed to figure out what she was going to do. She needed to know what they wanted from her.

"Samuel? What are you doing? What do you want from me?" Angie asked

Samuel replied," Oh princess, you know what I want" while scanning her body.

Angelica looked into his eyes. She spoke, " then do what you want"

His eyes moved to Charles indicating to leave the room. Charles opened the door and while he did that Angelica saw that there was another door across the hall. She knew that they boys had to be in there. Her thoughts were interrupted by Samuel snapping his fingers. She turned back to him. He didn't say anything but he did walk up to her and press his hand to her face. She only kept looking into his eyes. She knew that Samuel loved when she looked into his eyes. She just needed him to untie her from the chair.

"Samuel, sweetie, i cant do anything unless my hands are free. Ill give you more than you could ever imagine." She whispered into his ear.

He smiled and started to untie her. Angie knew what she was his one weakness. He would do anything to have her. He was so blinded by the her that he didn't know what she had in store for him. Before he knew it she had taken the rope she was once tied with and quickly tied up his wrist and ankles. He was in shock. He had tried yelling for Charles but before he could get to much out, she stuffed his mouth with her blindfold.

She had smiled at what she had done. But she didn't wait for too long because she needed to get to alexander and jefferson. She slowley open the door to see if Charles was anywhere to be seen. But before she went any farther the door across the room opened up. She was in shock with what she saw in the doorway.


HELLO READERS!! sorry ive been gone for so long. I didn't have any motivation to write anything. I start school very soon so we will see how much i upload. im glad to be back. love yall

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